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    Scott Adams
    Scott Adams

    Migraine Headaches: Gluten Triggers Severe Headaches in Sensitive Individuals

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.

    Neurology 2001;56:385-388.

    Celiac.com Sponsor (A12):
    Celiac.com 02/15/2001 - According to a new study published in the February issue of Neurology, severe, chronic migraine headaches can be triggered in gluten-sensitive individuals who do not exclude gluten from their diets. The study examined ten patients who had a long history of chronic headaches that had recently worsened, or were resistant to treatment. Some patients had additional symptoms such as lack of balance. Dr. Marios Hadjivassiliou, from the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, UK, and colleagues tested each patient and found that all were sensitive to gluten. . The patients were tested and each was found to be gluten-sensitive. Additionally, MRI scans determined that each had inflammation in their central nervous systems caused by gluten-sensitivity.

    Results: Nine out of 10 patients went on a gluten-free diet, and seven of them stopped having headaches completely. The patients heightened immune responses, which are triggered by the ingestion of gluten, could be one of the factors causing the headaches. The other two patients who were on a gluten-free diet experienced significant relief, but not complete relief.

    Conclusion: According to Dr. Hadjivassiliou, removal of the trigger factor by the introduction of a gluten-free diet may be a promising therapeutic intervention for patients with chronic headaches. Further studies are needed to confirm Dr. Hadjivassilious preliminary findings.

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    Guest shauna

    Good article. I recently read the book naturally pain free, which had the elimination diet in (no gluten, dairy, sugar,chocolate, red meat ect) it. I got the book so I could find foods and herbs to relieve my chronic migraine, muscle, nerve and joint pain. After a few days on the diet I notices my chronic daily IBS symptoms were almost gone, as was my heart burn. So after a week and a half I ate some multigrain bread in the morning and yogurt around 7pm. That night I started having IBS issues heart burn, increased pins and needles sensations in my fingertips and lips. My heart rate also increased and my migraine went to severe status. Went to see my Dr today and she agrees it probably a gluten and/or lactose intolerance. It's amazing that after 3 yrs of treatments, meds and specialist this is probably the cause. I told my doctors about the IBS, tingling in lips and heart burn long ago and they just gave me meds to treat it, never considering I may have food intolerance. I have been on disability for over 2 yrs which has probably ruined my career if I'm ever able to get back in the work force. Man, am I ever glad I got that book, may have saved my sanity.

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    Guest jona

    I agree with everything that was said. I have been reading the evidence and research and it is amazing the widespread effects for Genetically Modified Wheat. I had daily headaches, not huge migraines, but joint and muscle pain that was chronic. I had a host of other digestive and acidic problems, along with the TMJ. I saw dozens of specialist. Finally, I went to a new chiropractor and after hearing my complaints told me to get off gluten. On the following visit he suggested getting off all grains (grains are inflammatory with similar effects, msg too). Unbelievable the difference it makes! I am healed! I feel so much better and no longer have any pain. I am currently trying to get a friend to try gluten free. She has Aura Migraines, and only a combination of drugs works for her, but she suffers. However, when I made the suggestion; she got stubborn, resistant, and won't give it a try. Maybe gluten really is as addictive as an opiate (cardiologist) and causes the resistant intolerant behaviors that go with an addiction. Somebody with Aura Migraines that last for days tell her it really works!

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    Guest Katrina Lawrence


    I started a gluten free diet 3 months ago after suffering from migraines since I was a young child. I would generally get them once every 4-5 weeks and each would last 3 days. I have tried all medications, extensive wet needling (similar to Botox) for months, acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, massage etc. Since going gluten free I have had just one low grade headache with a 20 minute aura. I can possibly put that down to gluten exposure. I even (ridiculously) went on an amusement park ride last weekend with my children which threw my head back severely. Whilst my neck was very sore, especially in the area where my migraines normally commence, no headache came.

    Being strictly gluten free has changed my life in so many ways. I have more energy, my exercise induced urticaria is all but gone and so are my chronic migraines. As an added bonus, my tummy is flatter than it has been in years! I just wish I had read about it years ago. Good luck to everyone!

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    Guest Dan


    I started a gluten free diet 3 months ago after suffering from migraines since I was a young child. I would generally get them once every 4-5 weeks and each would last 3 days. I have tried all medications, extensive wet needling (similar to Botox) for months, acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, massage etc. Since going gluten free I have had just one low grade headache with a 20 minute aura. I can possibly put that down to gluten exposure. I even (ridiculously) went on an amusement park ride last weekend with my children which threw my head back severely. Whilst my neck was very sore, especially in the area where my migraines normally commence, no headache came.

    Being strictly gluten free has changed my life in so many ways. I have more energy, my exercise induced urticaria is all but gone and so are my chronic migraines. As an added bonus, my tummy is flatter than it has been in years! I just wish I had read about it years ago. Good luck to everyone!

    I am 28 years old, suffered from constant 24/7 temple pain for 3 years now and tried everything mentioned above , can honestly say I have felt like calling it a day sometimes but find the motivation to try get relief. I am on my 2nd real day of gluten free and am praying this is my freedom . Gluten seems to be a solution to many headache sufferers and understandably one of last things we try, so I am hopefully as their is not many more options it can be and after reading your post Katrina it's given me hope. Thanks.

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    Guest Kareen


    I have the reverse... I started a gluten-free diet two weeks ago and my migraines are more often and a lot worse!

    You may be detoxing. Don't give up yet. Drink plenty of water with lemon and peppermint.

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    Guest Hope
    I am 28 years old, suffered from constant 24/7 temple pain for 3 years now and tried everything mentioned above , can honestly say I have felt like calling it a day sometimes but find the motivation to try get relief. I am on my 2nd real day of gluten free and am praying this is my freedom . Gluten seems to be a solution to many headache sufferers and understandably one of last things we try, so I am hopefully as their is not many more options it can be and after reading your post Katrina it's given me hope. Thanks.

    How are you doing now Dan?

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    Guest Trisha


    I am 28 years old, suffered from constant 24/7 temple pain for 3 years now and tried everything mentioned above , can honestly say I have felt like calling it a day sometimes but find the motivation to try get relief. I am on my 2nd real day of gluten free and am praying this is my freedom . Gluten seems to be a solution to many headache sufferers and understandably one of last things we try, so I am hopefully as their is not many more options it can be and after reading your post Katrina it's given me hope. Thanks.

    I am 27 years old and have suffered from daily tension h/a for 2 years. It started to where they just showed up in the afternoon, now they are 24/7 and have been for almost a year. My doc thought it was caused by depression, but I did not believe that. I got a new doc and am now waiting for the test results for celiac. I also have hip pain, side pain, chest pain, fatigue and problems with my short term memory. My doc said these are also all symptoms of celiac. I am only day 3 of a gluten-free diet and praying to a God I don't believe in that this is the problem. It is no life to have a headache every second of every day.

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    Scott Adams

    Scott Adams was diagnosed with celiac disease in 1994, and, due to the nearly total lack of information available at that time, was forced to become an expert on the disease in order to recover. In 1995 he launched the site that later became Celiac.com to help as many people as possible with celiac disease get diagnosed so they can begin to live happy, healthy gluten-free lives.  He is co-author of the book Cereal Killers, and founder and publisher of the (formerly paper) newsletter Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. In 1998 he founded The Gluten-Free Mall which he sold in 2014. Celiac.com does not sell any products, and is 100% advertiser supported.

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