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    Jules Shepard
    Jules Shepard

    Popcorn Bread - Bread Machine Recipe (Gluten-Free)

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.
    Popcorn Bread - Bread Machine Recipe (Gluten-Free) -

    This is a fun recipe to make with kids – they can pop popcorn and watch it transform into flour before their eyes.  No need to run to the store to get some fancy new kind of flour either: simply pop your favorite corn then grind it to a fine powder in your food processor or blender.  Measure, then add to the recipe below for a neat twist on traditional bread recipes.  In the unlikely event you have any bread leftover the next day, this recipe keeps nicely (especially the pre-mixed all purpose flour using Expandex) but also makes a divine French Toast!

    Gluten-Free Popcorn Bread (Bread Machine Recipe)

    Celiac.com Sponsor (A12):
    2 eggs
    ½ cup hot water + 2 tablespoon flaxseed meal (set aside to steep for 10- 15 minutes)
    1 cup vanilla yogurt (dairy, soy, rice or coconut)
    1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
    3 Tbs. olive oil
    3 Tbs. light agave nectar or honey
    ½ teaspoon baking soda
    2 teaspoons gluten-free baking powder
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    1 tablespoon rapid rise/bread machine yeast
    2/3 cup dry milk or buttermilk powder
    1 cup popcorn flour
    ½ cup brown rice flour
    1 ¾ cup Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour*

    *(As always, I cannot predict the results of this recipe with any other flour, as I have only tried it with my recipe printed in my books, Nearly Normal Cooking for Gluten-Free Eating and The First Year: Celiac Disease and Living Gluten-Free, and on various media links from my website.  A pre-mixed version of my gluten-free flour containing Expandex  is available through my website.)

    Stir the eggs with a fork in a small cup to mix the yolks and whites together.  Add flaxseed to hot water and set aside to steep.  Gather all other ingredients and plug in the bread machine, inserting the pan and paddle attachment.

    Gluten-Free Popcorn BreadSift dry ingredients (except yeast) together in a large bowl and set aside.

    Add all liquid ingredients to the bread machine pan first.  Add the dry ingredients next and make a well in the center for the yeast.  Add the yeast last and set the machine to the gluten-free setting or a setting with only one rise cycle.

    During the knead cycle, periodically check to see that the dry ingredients have been fully integrated into the dough, scraping down the sides with a rubber spatula if necessary.  If you want, add any toppings like sesame seeds, sea salt, poppy seeds, etc. at the conclusion of the knead cycle.  Remove pan when the baking is completed and remove the bread to a cooling rack, slicing when fully cooled (if you can wait that long!).

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Lacyeloo


    Amazing, healthy, delicious, crowd pleaser! My absolute favorite gluten-free bread ever! I bake this for potlucks, use it for my sandwiches, toast, french toast, whatever! Even gluten gluttons Love this one! :)

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    Guest Lisa


    I am always looking for new recipes for my bread machine and this did not disappoint. Delicious. Jules Gluten Free is the best flour I cooked with since my diagnosis. I refuse to eat any other gluten free substitutes now.

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    Guest Linda

    Wow! This is really good! And mine rose higher than I'm used to...great! Maybe the airy popcorn flour makes it rise so high. Anyway, I wish people would state "add ingredients to the breadmaker in the order listed by your manufacturer" instead of "add wet ingredients first" because some breadmakers require you to add the dry ingredients first. I have an AWESOME Panasonic breadmaker that requires me to add the dry ingredients first and to add the yeast to the trap door at the top. This machine is the best breadmaker I've ever had! And this recipe came out wonderfully! Thanks!

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    Jules Shepard

    Atop each of Jules Shepard’s free weekly recipe newsletters is her mantra: “Perfecting Gluten-Free Baking, Together.” From her easy-to-read cookbook (“Nearly Normal Cooking for Gluten Free Eating”) to her highly rated reference for making the transition to living gluten free easier (“The First Year: Celiac Disease and Living Gluten Free”), Jules is tireless in the kitchen, at the keyboard and in person in helping people eating gluten free do it with ease, with style and with no compromises.
    In the kitchen, she creates recipes for beautiful, tasty gluten-free foods that most people could never tell are gluten free. As a writer, she produces a steady stream of baking tips, living advice, encouragement and insights through magazine articles, her web site (gfJules.com), newsletter, e-books and on sites like celiac.com and others. Jules also maintains a busy schedule of speaking at celiac and gluten-free gatherings, appearing on TV and radio shows, baking industry conventions, as well as teaching classes on the ease and freedom of baking at home.
    Her patent-pending all-purpose flour literally has changed lives for families who thought going gluten free meant going without. Thousands read her weekly newsletter, follow her on Twitter and interact with her on FaceBook.  

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