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  • Scott Adams
    Scott Adams

    Scott Adams' Story of His Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.

    During my doctor visits my diet was never discussed, even though most of my symptoms were digestive in nature.

    Scott Adams' Story of His Diagnosis of Celiac Disease - Image: CC BY 2.0--NIHClinicalCenter
    Caption: Image: CC BY 2.0--NIHClinicalCenter

    Celiac.com 07/25/1996 (Updated: 12/29/2020) - Like many people with celiac disease (it's an autoimmune disease and not a wheat allergy or the same as gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, or sensitivity to gluten), I spent a lot of years and money and endured many tests and misdiagnoses before doctors finally discovered that I needed to avoid gluten (including all gluten containing ingredients). Gluten is a protein found in gluten containing grains that include wheat, rye, and barley, and is often hidden in processed foods. To treat my celiac disease I had to go on a gluten-free diet for life, which meant that I had to learn to read food labels, and I ate mostly naturally gluten-free foods like meats, fruits, nuts, vegetables, gluten-free breads, and foods that were labeled gluten-free or made using gluten-free grains. My symptoms, which included weight loss, abdominal pain (especially in my middle-right section while sleeping), bloating, and long-term diarrhea, slowly disappeared.

    Because of the large variety of symptoms associated with celiac disease, and the fact that many celiacs have few or no symptoms, diagnosis can be very difficult, which is why is still takes an average of 6-10 years to get diagnosed. Most medical doctors are taught to look for classic symptoms and often make a wrong diagnosis, or no diagnosis at all. During my doctor visits my diet was never discussed, even though most of my symptoms were very typical, and greatly related to food digestion. A simple (and free!) exclusionary diet would have quickly revealed my problem. An exclusionary diet involves eliminating wheat, rye, oats, barley, dairy products, soy and eggs for several weeks, and recording any reaction as you slowly add these foods back into your diet.

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    Unfortunately it took my doctors over two years to make a diagnosis, and during that time I was misdiagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), told that I could have cancer or a strange form of Leukemia, treated for a non-existent ulcer with a variety of antibiotics that made me very ill, and was examined for a possible kidney problem. I also underwent many unnecessary and expensive tests including CAT Scans, thyroid tests, an MRI, tests for bacterial infections and parasites, ultrasound scans, and gall bladder tests. Ultimately the only reason I every got my diagnosis was because I ended up reading something about it in a book on nutrition, which led me to ask my doctor to be screened for it. I was finally diagnosed via a  blood test for celiac disease, followed by a biopsy of my small intestine (which is not as bad as it sounds). 

    A full recovery took me 2-3 years, and during that time I also had temporary food intolerance issues to things like dairy (casein), corn, tomatoes, and chicken eggs. During the 1-2 year time period after going 100% gluten-free I was thankfully able to add those things back to my diet.

    I created Celiac.com to help others avoid a similar ordeal. I also want to provide people who know they have the problem with information which will improve their quality of life, and broaden their culinary horizons. To do this, I have compiled information from a large variety of sources including medical journals, books, doctors, scientists, and news sources, and posted it all right here. Many of our articles are written by medical professionals such as nurses, doctors, and other celiac disease experts.

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    Thanks for the website.  I was recently diagnosed after a blood test showed the antibody.  I’m scheduled for a scope at the end of July.  I had the blood test after complaining of diarrhea for about a week or so.  No pain or bloating.  I’m getting adjusted slowly.  I’m still finding out what’s good and not.  I’m definitely going to follow your website.


    Mike S.

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    12 hours ago, Mike0507 said:

    Thanks for the website.  I was recently diagnosed after a blood test showed the antibody.  I’m scheduled for a scope at the end of July.  I had the blood test after complaining of diarrhea for about a week or so.  No pain or bloating.  I’m getting adjusted slowly.  I’m still finding out what’s good and not.  I’m definitely going to follow your website.


    Mike S.

    I was diagnosed with Celiac about four years ago. This website has been a necessity for me. Really is easy to adjust to gluten free. 

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    Smith, M.E.

    Thank you, I have been dealing with this long time . I am 76 diagnosed 3 weeks ago, this may very well save my life. I  copied your lists knowing it will help me, I have a couple of questions.
       Is there any evidence that Locust Bean gum is unsafe? Also lactaid milk. I hope I have a temporary allergy to milk. Any further resources?

    Mary Smith

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    3 minutes ago, Smith, M.E. said:

    Thank you, I have been dealing with this long time . I am 76 diagnosed 3 weeks ago, this may very well save my life. I  copied your lists knowing it will help me, I have a couple of questions.
       Is there any evidence that Locust Bean gum is unsafe? Also lactaid milk. I hope I have a temporary allergy to milk. Any further resources?

    Mary Smith

    Mary, welcome to the forum!

    I am not familiar with locust bean gum but most likely the answer to your question boils down to individual sensitivities, as is the case with many non gluten substitute baking ingredients. And something can be safe but still cause you discomfort. Sugar alcohols are that way for me. You will just have to experiment.

    Concerning your question about lactaid milk, realize that the problem for celiacs may not always be the lactose (a sugar) in milk. For some celiacs the issue is the protein casein found in milk. At any rate, if you discern that milk is causing you issues, I would avoid it for a year or so until your villi have had time to heal and then slowly reintroduce it in order to check for ongoing dairy intolerance vs. temporary. It often takes around two years for complete healing of the villi once going gluten free. Less time for children and youth but not so for mature adults. Know also that you may tolerate fermented and aged dairy products better than milk since there has been bacterial alteration of the milk sugar and protein.

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    Scott Adams
    3 hours ago, Smith, M.E. said:

    Thank you, I have been dealing with this long time . I am 76 diagnosed 3 weeks ago, this may very well save my life. I  copied your lists knowing it will help me, I have a couple of questions.
       Is there any evidence that Locust Bean gum is unsafe? Also lactaid milk. I hope I have a temporary allergy to milk. Any further resources?

    Mary Smith

    Locust Bean gum is naturally gluten-free, however, I was reading that there is a milling process involved when they mill the carob beans. I suppose it's possible that it could be contaminated during this process. In general look for brands that have "gluten-free" on the label, but this gum is likely safe unless the manufacturer mills other grains on their equipment.

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    Pamela Adams
    On 10/23/2007 at 3:47 AM, Guest Catherine said:

    Hi there. I guess you've heard this time and time again, but your site is great! I too went through many, many years of mis-diagnosis - almost died. Turns out that at least 2/3 of my family have it also. Thanks for the site and the help. I'm still fighting symptoms and yes, I'm completely gluten-free but the docs say it may be possible that I have Celiac as a secondary disease.....but they still can't figure out the first.


    Thanks again and wish me luck. I need a diagnosis and soon.



    Catheter, thank you so much for gathering all the material that is available. In a nut shell, emergency room, incredible upper right quadrant pain AND poop that was Snow White- no bile. Took 6 weeks for doc’s to finally make a decision to take out my gall bladder, however, after the surgery continued pain, vomiting, no appetite, diarrhea, nausea. Doc’s just weren’t sure what was wrong with me. Six years, still no diagnosis. My husband reads about celiac disease and says, “this is exactly what is wrong with you. So we print out pertinent information and go to the 9th doctor that I had been to and viola, blood work comes back positive. I have been on a gluten free diet for two months and really don’t feel a great deal better. New doc says it may take  1 -2 years for my intestines to heal. Just can’t figure out why eight different doctors couldn’t have at least considered celiac. If it had not been for my wonderful husband, I probably would be really sick still. 

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    4 hours ago, Pamela Adams said:

    Catheter, thank you so much for gathering all the material that is available. In a nut shell, emergency room, incredible upper right quadrant pain AND poop that was Snow White- no bile. Took 6 weeks for doc’s to finally make a decision to take out my gall bladder, however, after the surgery continued pain, vomiting, no appetite, diarrhea, nausea. Doc’s just weren’t sure what was wrong with me. Six years, still no diagnosis. My husband reads about celiac disease and says, “this is exactly what is wrong with you. So we print out pertinent information and go to the 9th doctor that I had been to and viola, blood work comes back positive. I have been on a gluten free diet for two months and really don’t feel a great deal better. New doc says it may take  1 -2 years for my intestines to heal. Just can’t figure out why eight different doctors couldn’t have at least considered celiac. If it had not been for my wonderful husband, I probably would be really sick still. 

    Celiac disease just isn't on the radar of most primary care physicians. The information they have about it from medical school is often very dated. They may still be operating on the old statistic that the incidence of celiac disease in the population is 1 in 5000. And since diagnostic process is statistically based, they look for everything else but celiac disease. Also, you can't fix it with medicine so big pharma, which controls a lot of medicine, isn't contributing research dollars to the exploration of gluten-related disorders.

    Edited by trents
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    I started back in 1975-80 when I was diagnosed with Ulcerated colitis. Which turned out might have been Lactose Intolerance. I took meds to cure. But years later I removed Lactose from my diet. About 5 years ago I started up with my stomach hurting after having a lower GI (the doctor Blew me off. 3 years ago, I stopped drink lactose free milk. My husband sort of blew me off too and My sister said before she died that she had a gluten intolerance. My husband does not believe that either. But after 2 years of blood test, scans of my stomach and kidney areas. I was told I has IBS now. I thought it had more to it than that. over 3 years ago after a Christmas at a restraunt I became very bloated. My husband chalked it up to overeating. It gradually got worse. I mentioned gluten and no one listened to me. I finely brought it up after reading and my sister intolerance. Working hard do get everything in feeling less bloated. thanks for your story and an Noom dieter who gave me this website.

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    8 minutes ago, Coolmama1957 said:

    But after 2 years of blood test, 

    What blood tests were run exactly? Was this just a run of the mill CBC and CMP or were specific tests designed to detect celiac disease run? 

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    1 minute ago, trents said:

    What blood tests were run exactly? Was this just a run of the mill CBC and CMP or were specific tests designed to detect celiac disease run? 

    CBC and CMP never for Celiac

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    2 minutes ago, Coolmama1957 said:

    CBC and CMP never for Celiac

    Do you think it might be time to get tested for celiac disease? You would need to be eating regular amounts of gluten (two slices of wheat bread or the equivalent) daily for 6-8 weeks leading up to the test.

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    1 minute ago, trents said:

    Do you think it might be time to get tested for celiac disease? You would need to be eating regular amounts of gluten (two slices of wheat bread or the equivalent) daily for 6-8 weeks leading up to the test.

    I am eliminating some foods after checking symptoms. All the food I eat I have checked for gluten. I have been sorting and figuring out what has gluten. nothing more. my doctor has okayed this diet and I will be having a new test. So, what do I need to test for?

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  • About Me

    Scott Adams

    Scott Adams was diagnosed with celiac disease in 1994, and, due to the nearly total lack of information available at that time, was forced to become an expert on the disease in order to recover. In 1995 he launched the site that later became Celiac.com to help as many people as possible with celiac disease get diagnosed so they can begin to live happy, healthy gluten-free lives.  He is co-author of the book Cereal Killers, and founder and publisher of the (formerly paper) newsletter Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. In 1998 he founded The Gluten-Free Mall which he sold in 2014. Celiac.com does not sell any products, and is 100% advertiser supported.

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