Celiac.com 11/01/2016 - Homeopathy has been around for quite some time. You even see it in drug stores these days. Here are some basics behind homeopathy.
- Certain substances that create a reaction in a healthy person can cure a sick person with the same symptoms.
- Unlike conventional medicine, homeopathy is considered more effective when the substance is diluted and shaken and is considered more effective each time this dilution and shaken process is done. This also makes it much safer as there is so little of the active ingredient actually in the homeopathy.
- It is tailored to each person depending on their health record, physical symptoms, emotional state, etc. Not just a one size fits all approach.
One point that is great about homeopathy as opposed to "regular" medicine is the side effects are next to nothing. The dosages are so small and contain so little of the active ingredient that the worst thing to happen would be that no beneficial effect occurs.
If your child is celiac, then you have probably had plenty of issues with ingredients in medications as well as sensitivities with substances in them that aren’t even gluten. I have run into many kids who are celiac who cannot handle all sorts of other substances due to their gut. The good thing about homeopathic preparations is that many of them are gluten-free. I actually have never come across one with gluten so far. This makes it very easy to find remedies that your celiac child can handle. No strange ingredients that are made in a laboratory either.
I specifically use chamomile and arnica for my son when he is teething. There is a combination of specific ones for teething but the individual dosages always work best for my toddler. I see a large difference in his overall attitude and pain level when I administer these two.
Of course there is always a place for standard medicine but I try to avoid drugs when I can. Especially with my damaged gut from being misdiagnosed for 17 years! This allows the body to learn and adapt to properly fighting germs so there is less of a chance in getting sick the next time a bug is being passed around. Plus, have you read some of the warning labels on these drugs that doctors recommend? Pretty scary, horrible side effects! Worse than the sickness you are treating.
Give homeopathy a try and see if it gives you, your celiac child or your family any comfort.
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