Event created by Scott Adams
The 3rd Annual Walk will be held once again in Spring Lake on the Boardwalk
to benefit Center for Celiac Research out of U. of Maryland. All moneys
collected go to the Center.Their efforts include promoting awareness of this
disease, educating the general medical community, research work in hopes of a cure
one day, plus much more.
Date of Walk : May 23rd
time: 9:30 registration, 10:30 Walk start
registration fees: $15 adults, $5 kids 5-18, under 5 free, Checks made out
to CFCR Obtain pledges from family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and don't forget those company matching programs!!!
Prizes for most pledge money collected by May 23rd!!
Vendors on the Boardwalk!!
Door prizes!!
Lots of gluten-free refreshments!!
Vendor literature and discounts!!
Lots of fellow Celiacs!!
More info may be available soon on celiacwalk.org or email me now at
Butzer5@aol.com for registration and pledge sheets. I will send the documents via