Event created by Scott Adams
Please join us next Tuesday, July 20th, at 7:00 PM, Group Health Hospital
conference room AA13 in Redmond, WA.
**NEW** This is a new location for us, but it is easy to find. Address is
2700 152nd Ave NE. You will be turning north off NE 24th street (along Sears),
turn at the traffic light where Performance Bicycle is on corner, then proceed
two blocks, turn right into driveway. Proceed to parking area (in the woods)
and go the main entrance. Take elevator to lower level. Conference room AA13 is
just around the corner from the cafeteria.
We will be discussing dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and exciting current
events. DH is a subject we should all be more knowledgeable. All our symptoms and
care need to be appreciated.
Please bring subjects/topics of special interest to you.
For more information, please contact Earl Ley @ 425-747-1110 or by email
noted below. Anyone interested in the gluten-free lifestyle is welcome!
T. Earl Ley, P.E.
Software Accreditations
phone (425) 294-5459
e-mail earl.ley@boeing.com