Event created by Scott Adams
The next meeting of the Austin Celiac Support Association* is scheduled for
April 20, 2005 at 7 p.m. Our meeting location will be different for this
meeting. We will be meeting at the new Whole Foods Landmark Store at 6th
and Lamar in downtown Austin.
We will meet in the front of the store in the ground level seating area
near the corner and the creek. After we gather we will be given a tour of
the new store with special emphasis on the gluten-free products.
There will be no need to bring snacks for this meeting and there will be no
parent's meeting this month.
If you have any questions, please contact Francie Kelley at
fkelley@austin.rr.com or
(512) 301-2224. We hope to see you at the meeting.
* The Austin Celiac Support Association is part of Alamo Celiac, Chapter
#65 of CSA/USA, Inc. Other support groups in Alamo Celiac are the San
Antonio Celiac Support Group and Gluten-Free Gatherings of Corpus Christi.