Event created by MarcieCoda
This event begins 09/12/2005 and repeats every week until 09/27/2005
The Salt Lake City GIG Group welcomes you to it's monthly meeting.
NEW MEETING ROOM for this month ONLY.
FREE to the public
Where: St. Mark's Hospital - park north of the hospital (3900 South) and come in main entrance of St Mark's Hospital
Walk in the main entrance, and take the elevator to the ground floor.
This month it's in the cafeteria which will hold over 200 people.
When: Tuesay, September 13
TIME: 7pm - 8:30pm
Meeting will be given by Dr. Hugo Rodier, see www.hugorodier.com .
Highlighting Pamela's Products in the month of September- samples provided
Come enjoy the fun and comraderie of our growing community. For more information or to be on our monthly emails plz log onto www.gfutah.org
Thank you for your support of the SLC GIG Group, see www.gfutah.org