Event created by Scott Adams
Gluten Sensitive Support Group
Members, Prospects, Families
Annual Thanksgiving Feast
Saturday, November 12, 2005
11:00 A.M.
Gwinnett Medical Center in the Education Center
(Enter the front door and follow signs to the Education Center)
For driving directions from your section of town go to the hospital web site
Persons with last names beginning with A-F please bring a vegetable or
G-L please bring desserts
M-R please bring salads or relish tray
S-Z please bring bread
GSSG will provide the entree, as well as beverages, paper products and
plastic utensils. Please bring a copy of your gluten-free recipe to display since
some of our people have multiple food sensitivities. It would be great if
you can bring enough copies to share.
Hope to see you there.