Event created by Scott Adams
Norman Celiac Support Group Meeting
Dec.6, Tuesday
St. John's Episcopal Church
235 W. Duffy (at the corner of Asp and Duffy)
Norman, OK
The meeting will be in the Great Room which is
upstairs and to your right at the end of the hall.
Christmas Meeting
Bring Christmas goodies to share. Most of us are
casein free and several are soyfree, please have the
ingredients listed. If you have a good recipe to
bring copies to pass out.
If you have any holiday advise on eating gluten free
at this time of year that would be appreciated. Tell
us how you handle all the Christmas parties and
relatives this time of year.
I will provide drinks and bring some Christmas
as well.
Please feel free to come even if you don't bring
anything....you can still hang out, share and eat!
Hope to see you there.
any questions email one4life@swbell.net
or call Kate at 364-5612