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North Carolina TGIG Gluten Free Camp


Scott Adams
Gluten-Free Community Calendar

Event details

Gluten Free Camp 2006

"It was the best week of my life!" "Can I really eat everything on the table, even the

rolls-" "Can I stay for two weeks next year-" These are some of the comments from the 20

gluten free campers attending GIG Kids Camp at Camp Kanata in June of 2005. And, maybe

even more telling: "Can we have some of your cookies," from one of the non-gluten free


GIG Camp at Camp Kanata was a great success last year, with over 20 participants from

all over the South East, and many local volunteers. We are excited to announce that the Triangle

Gluten Intolerance Group and GIG, in partnership with Camp Kanata, a YMCA Camp near

Raleigh, North Carolina, will be sponsoring a week of gluten free residential camp again this

summer. Gluten Free camp will be from June 25 - July 1, 2005. This week is Super Hero week

at Camp Kanata. All kids on a gluten-free diet will be part of the full camp program, but will be served

gluten free food prepared under the supervision of a registered dietician.

To register, please see the GIG website (www.gluten.net) and look under “Events” for the

Kids’ Camp description. You may find out more about Camp Kanata on its web page

(www.ymcatriangle.org, under Camp Kanata). We ask that you direct your application through

GIG and Camp Kanata so that we are able to obtain some additional background. If you have

any questions or wish further information, please contact Rose Kenyon at

rkenyon@smithlaw.com or at 919-821-6629 (w) or 919-872-5790(h).

Volunteers Needed! In order to make this camp happen, we need volunteers in various capacities as follows:

- Advance Baking. We need help with some advance baking of items such as dinner


- Kitchen Staff. We rely on volunteers to staff the gluten-free kitchen who are available for

part or all of the week of camp. It helps to be able to devote parts of several days so

that we are sure that everyone is adequately trained and well coordinated. Tasks

include: food preparation, packing snack boxes for the cabins, helping serve during

meals, etc. The work is not complicated and you do not need to be a great cook!!

You will get plenty of help and supervision. For those who are interested from outof-

town, we are able to arrange home stays with local volunteers.

- Order Foods from gluten-free Vendors. Through GIG's efforts, many gluten-free vendors are

willing to donate food. We need help in placing orders for the specific items we need

and contacting the vendors. This work will need attention in April and May.

- Advertising and Marketing. We still find that many celiac disease kids do not learn about

camp. We need help in contacting other support groups and pediatric offices to tell

them about the camp opportunity.

- Host Families. We may need a few volunteers who would be willing to host some

folks who may travel from out-of-town to help during camp itself. In the past, the

volunteers have been delightful people and a pleasure to get to know.

If you are able to help or have any questions, please contact Rose Kenyon at

rkenyon@smithlaw.com <mailto:rkenyon@smithlaw.com> or at 919-821-6629 (w) or 919-


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