Event created by Scott Adams
The Bremerton, WA GIG March meeting will be March 17th at the main Harrison
Hospital Auditorium, 7:30 pm. We will be having a round robin discussion of
living on the gluten free diet. Please bring all your questions and suggestions.
Our board members; Marti Lewis and Carol McLaren will be the moderators. We
will be having a raffle of gluten free goodie baskets. Well worth a ticket or
two (or five).
Also, don't forget our Pizza Party at Foley's Pizza on Friday April 21st at
6:00 p.m. It should be a fun event and be sure to tell your friends.
While I'm reminding you of things, The "Moving Feet Without Wheat" walk is
something your whole family should be planning for on May, 20th. It is at Green
Lake in Seattle and a great Food Fair is also going on in the field house. You
can make up a whole team and earn prizes or walk by yourself. It will be a
wonderful day and you can get more info at the March meeting or on the web at
www.gluten.net or call me at 360-275-0171. We will be rounding up transportation
for us all to go over in a force or feel free to go on your own.
I'll send more information out in the near future about the walk and I hope
some of you are planning to attend the National GIG Meeting in Salt Lake City
on June 9th - 11th. It is always a spectacular event.
I hope you attend the meeting and if you have any questions call me
360-275-0171 or email at seliot@wavecable.com.
Sue Eliot