Event created by Scott Adams
April 15, 2006 (Saturday)
Good Samaritan Village Community Center, 17028 E 8th Ave
12:30 PM (peruse & make copies of new information)
1:00 PM Meeting starts promptly
Deborah will present information, guidance & SAMPLES of the very best bread mixes.....and their choice of bread makers. George Gagnon, owner Rocky Mountain Low Carb, Hayden Lake has specials on this !!!
Our member, Toni Jimenez, has offered his chef skills for planning and serving a special Gluten Free dinner at a Spokane location......date, time and participation to be discussed at this meeting. Mmmmm... sounds great to me !!
Have you noticed ? The increased coverage of Celiac Disease.....especially in the prestigious Wall Street Journal, the L.A. Times and our area's Spokesman-Review?
Janet Scott reports that she read that Kellogg's corn flakes are gluten free...she checked with the company.....NO !! they are not gluten-free !!!!
Any questions or suggestions for the meeting ?
..call Melba after April 9 ( back from Rhode Island and Phoenix then) OR e-mail, anytime at bobnmelbatee@juno.com
I need secretarial type help ... for meeting notices and to maintain a list of e-mail & snail mail addresses and telephone numbers of current and new members.
I hope to see you at the meeting, Melba
Saturday, April 15, 2006 at 12:30 PM
Good Samaritan Community Center
17121 E 8th Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99016