Event created by Scott Adams
Also, mark your calendars for the GIG Potluck Picnic on August 19th starting
at 11:00am. We will provide hamburgers, buns, polish hot dogs, beverages,
dishes and utensils. Please bring a salad or vegetable dish or dessert WITH
RECIPES and BRAND NAMES OF INGREDIENTS. We want to make this a truly gluten-free
potluck. The picnic is at Les and Marti Lewis' home at 3303 Mathews Drive NW,
Bremerton, WA 98312-1941 telephone 360 377-2737 or email marti.les@comcast.net
Les and Marti live on the water so bring beach shoes if you wish to walk on
the beach (ouch for barnacles on bare feet!) or swim suits and towels if you
wish to swim. Les will have his boat in so speedboat rides will be available for
those who wish to have a new hair do! If it rains, we'll still have it--just
inside and be rather cozy! Call or email Marti if you have any questions.
Complete driving instructions will follow at a later date.
Sue Eliot
360 275-0171