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Northern CA Celiac Disease Summer Camp


Scott Adams
Gluten-Free Community Calendar

Event details

Summer Camp news from Jackie Corley:


Mark your calendars for the first annual (hopefully) Northern California Overnight Summer Camp for Kids with Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance. The camp will be held at Camp Arroyo in Livermore, California, August 20-23, 2007.

The Taylor Family Foundation and the Celiac Sprue Research Foundation are sponsoring an old-fashioned overnight summer camp with swimming, horseback riding, arts and crafts, field sports, a ropes course and, most importantly,completely gluten free meals and snacks. The camp is for kids ages 9 to 17 and it is FREE, except for a $25 registration fee.

To make this Camp happen we need to know as soon as possible how many kids are interested in attending. If your child is interested, please send the name, age, gender and address of the interested camper in an email to campceliac@gmail.com.

The camp is for kids in Northern California, but, space permitting, we will be able to have kids from other areas. Please pass along this information to anyone who might be interested.

We also need volunteer counselors, ages 18 and older, to supervise and have fun with the kids. While the counselors need not be on a gluten free diet, one BIG advantage of being a counselor is being served all those freshly prepared and delicious gluten free meals.

At this time we are looking for non-parent volunteers. Please ask older siblings, cousins, neighbors and friends if they would be interested in working with our kids for a few days next summer.

While camp is many months from now, summer schedules fill up quickly. If you know someone who is potentially interested in volunteering as a counselor please have him or her send an email to campceliac@gmail.com with name, gender, age, experience (if any) working with kids, areas of interest (crafts, team sports, theater, music etc.).

We are also looking for a volunteer to set up a web site to facilitate camper and volunteer registration and information. If interested, please send an email to the above address. Thanks for your help in making this camp a reality for our kids!

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