Event created by Scott Adams
Red River Celiacs GIG will be Moving Feet Without Wheat at the Fargo Marathon www.fargomarathon.com
This year the Red Ricer Celiacs will be participating in the Fargo Marathon to spread celiac awareness and raise funds. Registration forms should be sent in to RRCGIG, PO Box 464, Fargo, ND 58107, with registration fee made payable to Fargo Marathon and we will submit them as a group so we know how many walkers/joggers/runners we will have so you can wear a Moving Feet Without Wheat t-shirt! Those finishing the 5k will also receive a Marathon t-shirt. Any donations you get from friends and family should be made payable to Red River Celiacs GIG. You can sign up for - any category - but we would like to have you register through us so we know how many gluten free people will be there for t-shirt and food purposes. Forms will be sent in as a group. The 5k we will participate in is 3.3 miles. You can Walk, Run, Sprint, Jog, etc. and go as far or little as you want. It is a family oriented Fun Run. There will be entertainment along the way. The path goes through NDSU and back to the Fargo Dome. We will be having a booth at the Health Expo on Friday, May 18th from 1:00-9:00 pm. Red River Celiacs has also been asked to have a Gluten Free food booth at the post-race feast in the Fargo Dome on Saturday, so everyone can fully participate in this great community event! What an opportunity! We will need volunteers to help throughout the day with the gluten-free food booth as the different category of marathon runner?s finish. Spread the word to all your celiac friends that this is a Gluten Free Friendly Marathon!! Check out the _www.fargomarathon.com_ (http://www.fargomarathon.com) website for the many other events and speakers being held. There is a 1K youth run opportunity for children also! Something for everyone! What a great way to spread celiac disease awareness!! We will be selling items at our Expo booth to help raise funds for our Gluten Intolerance Education Conference to be held Nov. 2-3, 2007 and hope you will ask family and friends to sponsor you in the Fargo Marathon. Ask your friends and family to walk with us. Registration forms are at _www.fargomarathon.org_ (http://www.fargomarathon.org) . Donation forms will be available on our website _www.redriverceliacs.org_ (http://www.redriverceliacs.org) as well as posters. Please put up posters at you local fitness place, health food store, etc., to spread the word. CONTACT INFO: Sandy Kohler 218-233-4898 Stacey Juhnke 701-237-4854 Jan Hammer 701-232-3896