Event created by ackdavis
Chesapeake, VA - Chesapeake Tidewater Celiacs, a Chapter of Celiac Disease Foundation, Monthly Meeting
Serving Cities: Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk in Virginia and in Northeast North Carolina.
Meeting: 3rd Thursday of each month, 6:00-7:30 PM, at Chesapeake
Lifestyle Center of Chesapeake General Hospital, 800 Battlefield Boulevard, North, Chesapeake, VA 23320.
Phone Lifestyle for directions: 757-312-6132.
Contact: Trish Cyrs, 757.495.9622; pcyrs@cox.net
Welcome: All with curiosity or interest in well-informed, vibrant, safe, gluten-free living - vital for CELIACS and others with this dietary requirement. Open to all hospitality and restaurant industry as well as any medical support and individuals.
Reaching out to increase awareness of Celiac and healthy living, this chapter of the national group of Celiac Disease Foundation covers Tidewater Virginia areas of Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and northeastern North Carolina.
We meet monthly on the grounds of Chesapeake General Hospital on the 3rd Thursday of each month, at 6:oo PM. All are invited to attend.
We offer education, food, all kinds of helpful information, cooking assistance, answers and updates as well as news and developments in a most helpful manner to all ages.
Learn how you can avoid inadvertant everyday gluten cross-contamination; visit with us. We're open to all with interest in food and in gluten-free living. Hope we will see you soon.