Event created by Scott Adams
The Atlanta area celiac support group, Atlanta Metro Celiacs (AMC), is sponsoring a gluten-free product fair. The event is being held Saturday October 4, 2008. The fair will run from 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM with setup from 8am to 9:30am and clean up from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.
Our 2007 gluten-free Vendor Fair attracted more than 500 attendees from Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama and South Carolina. We are expecting an even larger turnout this year.
We encourage vendors to attend with their products, but if you are not able to attend, we would be happy to distribute your product samples, information sheets and/or coupons. If necessary we will find volunteers to bake your product for sampling. Of course we will be glad to accept donation of products for use as door prizes.
Please email to request our four page handout with all the details of registration, location, set up, etc spelled out. Jennifer Harrisis is coordinating this event for our support group, so please contact her for this information and with any questions.
Contact info Jennifer D. Harris - jdubreeharris@bellsouth Program Chair, Atlanta Metro Celiacs
Thank you for considering attending the event. We are very excited to help bring gluten free products to the people who follow the gluten free and gluten-free/CF diets.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tom Flynn Atlanta Metro Celiacs www.atlantametroceliacs.com