Event created by Scott Adams
The next meeting of the Austin Celiac Support Association (Austin, TX) is
scheduled for January 21, 2004 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at
Tarrytown United Methodist Church, 2601 Exposition Blvd.
Our speaker for the meeting is Laura Kerr, PA. Ms. Kerr is a physician's
assistant with Austin Gastroenterology. She will be discussing follow-up
care after your celiac diagnosis. She will discuss care immediately
following your diagnosis and for the long-term as well.
We are also happy to have as our guest Cindy Haenel. Ms. Haenel is the
chef at Central Market who teaches the wonderful gluten-free cooking
classes. She will tell us about her experiences with gluten-free cooking
and her classes.
Please bring a gluten free snack to share. It is important that included
with each snack is a listing of ingredients. Some of our members need to
avoid more than just gluten. If the recipe is either original or has been
changed at least 3 times, please bring the recipe. We can publish these
recipes in the recipe exchange section of our monthly newsletter.
Immediately preceding the meeting, our parent's group will meet to discuss
any issues pertinent to raising celiac children. The parent's meeting will
start at 6:30 p.m.
Also preceding the meeting, our committee for the Annual Celiac Walk will
meet. If you are interested in helping with the walk, please join us.
If you have any questions, please contact Francie Kelley at
fkelley@austin.rr.com or
(512) 301-2224. We hope to see you at the meeting.