Event created by Destiny Stone
Do you want a Happy Healthy Gluten Free Life?
If so, plan on attending the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America
(GIG) National Education Conference being held in Minneapolis, MN June 4th and
5th, 2010. You may see the full program, details, and a review of all of
the speakers on GIG's website _www.gluten.net_ (http://www.gluten.net)
where there is a direct link from their home page to the Conference Brochure. Or
you may paste this link in your browser:
Some subjects and speakers are:
Friday, June 4th
Latest Research News in Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivities - Dr.
Joseph Murray
Successful Strategies for Starting gluten-free Life/Emergency Preparedness -
Julianne Karow
Using Whole Grains to Their Fullest - Dr. Lloyd Rooney
Living Life to the Fullest - How Gluten Affects Neurotransmitters,
Depression, & Anxiety. Changing Thoughts and Changing Life - Tom O'Bryan
Healthy/Low Cost Snacks and Side Dishes - Jen Cafferty
Including aspects of a Mediterranean diet to supercharge the gluten-free diet -
Christine Doherty, ND
>From Excuse to Action: Pursuit of a healthy & fulfilled life - Jeanne
Controlling Metabolic Syndrome - Bonnie Presti
Inflammation and Health - Dr. Jillian Sarno Teta
Saturday, June 5th
A Special Teens Program - See the program for details
ADA Nutrition Recommendations for Celiac Disease & Label Reading: Putting
It All Together - Melinda Dennis
Making the Most of Your gluten-free Bucks - William T. Beverly, PhD, LCSW
Traveling Gluten Free - Cpt. Glenn Heironymus
Allergies, Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance - What's the Difference?
- Dr. Stephen Wangen, ND
Working Homemade Bread Into Your Busy Schedule - Carol Fenster
Gluten-Free Desserts - Healthy & Flavorful Too - Donna Washburn
Dining Smart - Cpt. Glenn Heironymus
Osteoporosis: Fracture-Proof Your Bones - The Most Important Nutrient
isn't Calcium - Dr. John Neustadt
Owning the gluten free lifestyle; A holistic approach to life with celiac
disease - Daniel Leffler, MD, MS
Saturday Evening Banquet:
Entertainment: David Harris, COMEDIAN. MAGICIAN. PERSON.
Guest speaker Dr Rodney Ford, MD. MS. BS. FRACP. "A Gluten Free Planet"
Hope to see you there.
GIG Conference CORE Committee
_gig@gluten.net_ (mailto:gig@gluten.net)
_www.gluten.net_ (http://www.gluten.net)
*Please provide references to back up claims of a product being Gluten Free or not Gluten Free*