Event created by Destiny Stone
The West End Gluten Intolerance Group will meet-
ON: Thursday, April 1 st at 7PM
AT: Trinity U. Methodist Church, 903 Forest Ave,
FOR: a Sit down Q&A about Gluten Intolerance
WITH: Dr. Juan Villalona and Dr. Puneet Puri, Gastroenterologists from VA Health Systems (MCV).
Dr. Villalona is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist with office at Stoney Point.
Dr. Puri is a Gastroenterologist, Internist, Head of Nutrition at MCV.
Both specialize in celiac disease.
Now is your opportunity to get your questions answered, as these two doctors, in their practices, see gluten intolerance patients, all ages and stages of life!
Questions for the doctors may be submitted prior to the meeting at this email address, and will be answered during the meeting providing information for all attendees. Questions will also be taken from the floor.
If you do not have questions, come learn from the answers given!
We are appreciative to Shabtai Gourmet and Better Batter for sending delicious samples for tasting.