Event created by Destiny Stone
April 17 & 18, 2010
Wyndham Hotel, Lisle, IL
Vendor Fair open to the public.
Over 60 gluten-free vendors.
Saturday 9am-Noon
Sunday 11am-3pm
Adults $15 and Children under 12 are free.
Also, gluten-free cooking classes both days.
Register in advance at www.gfreelife.com.
$315 for both days of cooking classes.
Jen Cafferty, Founder, The Gluten Free Cooking Expo
Website: www.gfreelife.com
National gluten-free Reporter for Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/x-12164-GlutenFree-Food-Examiner
Twitter: jenglutenfree
GIG Chicago: www.chicagoglutenfree.com