Event created by Destiny Stone
Celiac Disease Foundation South Florida Chapter:
Free Celiac Disease Blood Screening Day
We are now taking appointments:
Date: Monday May 17th from 5-8PM
Location: So. Florida Gastroenterology
Dr. Bromer
1325 So. Congress Ave,
suite 211 Boynton Beach
PLEASE make your appointments ASAP.
We only have 100 free tests.
This screening is NOT for anyone who has been diagnosed with Celiac
Disease. This test is for at-risk individuals who have family members with celiac disease
those with symptoms related to celiac or individuals affected by other autoimmune
disorders, commonly associated with celiac disease.
This is your chance to encourage your friends, neighbors, co-workers
& family members to finally be tested.
Cut off date for apptointments will be on May 10th
Call Donna at Dr. Bromer's office to schedule your appointment.
Call 561-732-2900 ask for ext. 226