Event created by Scott Adams
14 Cyclists will ride from August 12 to August 22, 2004 raising
donations and awareness as they go.
The Route The Ride will cover about 1400 kilometers (870 miles) starting
in Victoria, British Columbia travelling through the interior of B.C.,
across the Rocky Mountains and up to Edmonton, Alberta
What Is Cycling For Celiacs Cycling for Celiacs is a special project
initiated by the Edmonton Chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association.
This project is designed To raise awareness of Celiac Disease To help
raise funds for research To help raise funds for service and support for
those living with Celiac Disease.
Cycling for Celiacs is an annual event that offers everyone an
opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of riding their bicycle while helping
those with Celiac Disease by collecting pledges and donations in support
of research, support and service. Net proceeds from the Victoria to
Edmonton Trek will go to support the J.A. Campbell Research Fund
The J.A. Campbell Research Fund gives two Canadian Celiac Association
research awards annually.
Dr. J.A. Campbell Young Investigators Award for Research in Celiac Disease
and Dermatitis Herpetiformis**
J.A. Campbell Research Fund: Grants in Aid of Research in Celiac Disease
and Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Canada
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