Event created by mvineyard
Celiac Sprue Association Meeting Chapter #100
Monday, February 27th, 2012
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Reston Community Center Lake Anne
1609 Washington Plaza, Reston, VA 20190
The Gluten Truth: What Really Happened to the Bread of Life
Kenneth Fine, M.D., Founder and Director Enterolab.com and The Intestinal
Health Institute, Dallas, TX http://www.enterolab.com/
Over the last 11 years, Dr. Fine has contemplated and learned when, how, and
why the gluten sensitivity epidemic started and is raging; the results will
surprise you!
This Meeting is Free and Open to the Public
gluten-free Food Samples at Meeting!
Our meeting space is limited to 80 guests. Please notify me with number
attending by emailing ddubravec@comcast.net or with any questions.
About Dr. Fine: http://www.enterolab.com/StaticPages/Cirrculum.aspx
Directions to Lake Anne: