Event created by Scott Adams
This year will hold a different agenda. Folks can purchase their own type of seat section, allowing flexible ticket prices. There will be no pre-game event. Food can be purchased in the park.
A cool Giant's collectible basket will be yours - if you purchase the most tickets on one transaction.
Look for a Jumbo Tron Shout out during the game. Pre-game will also welcome our Celiac Disease fundraiser night support on TV's displayed throughout the stadium.
AT&T Park Gluten Free Menu:
Section 112 of AT&T Park (behind home plate) is offering gluten free hot dogs and gluten free Redbridge beer. Peanuts, popcorn, Ghiradelli hot fudge sundaes are also available.
Recently there was a post by a Giant's Fan who shared some additional foods that were Gluten Free available at AT&T - we have not tried them out yet, my kids just eat the typical Hot Dogs.
Please share and add to the menu if you have had a safe experience with food at AT&T Park
Tickets can be purchased at: http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/MLBEventInfo?agency=MLBTGS65GNTS&pid=7147266
A Buster Posey pictured flyer to support our Celiac Disease Fundraiser will be coming soon.... for now, click the link and start showing your support AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - SPREAD THE WORD!
Any questions - Let me know,
- Karen Friis