Event created by Scott Adams
Celiac.com Entry:
International Coeliac Disease Scientific Conference will be organized in Helsinki, Finland, September 6-9, 2012, Better Life for Coeliacs.
The scientific coeliac meeting itself will take place on Friday Sept 7 and Sat Sept 8.
For more info please visit http://www.confedent.fi/blc2012/
Deadline for early bird registration is July 31, 2012
Deadline for free paper abstracts (will be presented as posters) is Aug 10, 2012.
On behalf of the organizing committee
Markku Maki, MD. PhD
AcademicCommunity, Patient Organisations and Industry Get Together
HotelHilton Kalastajatorppa, Helsinki, Finland Sept 6-9, 2012
ACombined Conference of
Associationof European Coeliac Societies, AOECS 26th General Assembly, CoeliacYouth of Europe (CYE) Meeting
InternationalCoeliac Disease Scientific Conference
ThursdaySept 6, 2012
Registration,Reception, Dinner
Programmefor the
InternationalCoeliacDisease Scientific Conference
Academiameets AOECS member societies and industry
FridaySept 7, 2012,parallel to the AOECS meeting
Targetgroups: Scientists, CoeliacDisease for Researchers, Medical
Doctors,Food Technology Researchers, Nutritionists, other Specialists andAdvisors of Patients