Event created by Scott Adams
August 24 - September 3, 2004
European River Boat Cruises are extremely popular - the boats are small and
the number of cruises are very limited, especially on the most popular rivers.
The Danube River is one of the most popular and sells out very quickly as did
the previous cruise from Paris to Normandy earlier this year.
Because of this popularity and the great reputation of this cruise line, we
must guarantee our groups cabins long before the sailing date as we did
before. We have been informed by the cruise line that all of the cabins on
the boat have been sold except for our specifically allotted group. Therefore,
we have been put on notice that if we do not have those cabins sold by
December 16, 2013 they will take back those cabins and sell them to their
waiting list of customers.
Because of this, we must have ALL reservations and deposits in hand by
DECEMBER 16, 2013 in order to have this Getaway a "GO" or we may
have to cancel.
This also means that even is this Getaway is a GO, there is very little chance
if any of further reservations being available - the boat will be SOLD OUT.
Discover the best of Eastern and Western Old World Europe with it's history,
grand architecture, romantic music and picturesque scenery. Cruise along
the enchanted Danube as it winds through the historic countryside of quaint
villages and medieval castles dating back to the golden days of enlightened
emperors including the site where the "Blue Danube Waltz" was conceived
and written. All shore excursions and there is an open bar on-board. And,
of course, fantastic Gluten-free meals from a specially designed menu.
After the cruise we'll tour the scenic Bavarian and Tyrolean Alps.
Check out ALL the details on our website http://bobandruths.com