Event created by Scott Adams
Enjoy your Gluten-Free Holidays: Mind & Body
Join us at the Celiac Community Foundation of Northern California’s
Support Network Fall Meeting
When: Sunday, December 8th, 2-4pm
Where: Whole Foods at 230 Bay Place, Oakland, CA
Cost: Free
Featuring guest speakers:
* Kathleen Ayers, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist, will speak
about “Coping with Celiac Disease.” Dr. Ayers specializes in helping those
with chronic conditions, such as pain and physical conditions, including
celiac disease and food allergies. Dr. Ayers teaches at the Professional
School of Psychology in Sacramento. She has taught at The Adler Graduate
Professional School in Toronto, McMaster University DeGroote School of
Medicine in Hamilton and at U.C. Davis School of Medicine. In addition to
teaching, Kathleen works in a physician’s office in Marin County and has a
private practice.
* Q&A with Dr. Amy Burkhart, MD, RD. Our board member and popular
presenter, Dr. Burkhart, will answer your health questions. Dr. Burkhart
is a board certified emergency medicine physician, a registered dietitian
and integrative medicine practitioner. She specializes in treating celiac
disease, gluten intolerance and digestive ailments, using her knowledge and
training in conventional medicine in conjunction with her training in
integrative medicine and nutrition to optimize her patients’ health. She
has a private practice in Napa, CA www.TheCeliacMD.com
Michaele Kruger, nutrition consultant at Whole Foods in Oakland and at
Better Bites-Better You, will offer tips on enjoying a healthy and tasty
gluten-free lifestyle
Featured vendors: UDI’s & Glutino, plus samples from Marys Gone Crackers
RSVP to Crystal Banuelos cbanuelos@celiaccommunity.org
The Celiac Community Foundation of Northern California Support Network
rotates between Marin, Napa, Solano, Alameda, Contra Costa and Sonoma