Event created by Scott Adams
Gluten Intolerance Group of Eastern Montana
Following is information regarding our upcoming April meeting. We will again
meet in the upstairs room at the First Presbyterian Church at 13th St W and
Poly Dr. You won't want to miss Brooke Beier's presentation. We always have
good gluten free food, good coffee, good fellowship, and good educational
opportunities. See you there! Carl
April's Guest Speaker:
Brooke Beier
"Improving Digestive Health with Cultured Foods"
After her presentation, Brooke will be answering your questions.
Meeting Details:
Saturday, April 5, 2014, at 10:00 am
First Presbyterian Church, corner of 13th St W and Poly Dr
Our meetings are free, open to all, and feature gluten-free refreshments.
support - information - understanding
Questions? Contact Carl at 406-656-9492 or email