Event created by Scott Adams
Gluten-Free for Life Expo
March 28, 2015 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
St Petersburg Coliseum
535 Fourth Avenue North
St Petersburg, FL 33701
Put us on your calendars for 2015!
Once again the Gluten-Free in Florida Support Group is pleased to present the Gluten-Free for Life Expo in St Petersburg, Florida. This will be our 4th annual event. The response from our attendees and our vendors has been so great that we’ll be increasing our Vendor Spaces to 65 for next year. We’re expecting a great turnout – it will be Spring Breeak in Florida and the weekend of the St Pete Grand Prix and we expect to draw a lot of visiting families in addition to our local Gluten-Free Community. Please get in touch if you're interested or need more information.
VENDORS - total of 40 available:
Standard – 8x10 $400.00
Electric – 8x10 $450.00
In addition – 25 available Florida Vendors
(Florida licensed small businesses only)
Standard – 8x10 $200.00
Electric – 8x10 $250.00
Support Groups – $50.00
Platinum Sponsor – one available ($5,000.00)
Gold Sponsor – two available ($3,500.00)
Silver Sponsor – three available ($2,000.00)
Friend Sponsor – four available ($1,000.00)
Water Sponsor – five available ($500.00)
For those unable to attend our Expo...we still have a great way to participate. For a $25.00 advertising payment we'll include you on our Website in the months leading up to our event. Then just prior to our event we'll make arrangements for you to ship your donation or samples to our Shipping Coordinator and we'll include your product in our Raffle Baskets and on our Teens Sample Tables.
Pre-Registration will open in October – Tickets will be $5.00 pre-rregistration or $10.00 per person at the door. With a maximum of $20.00 per family and working scholarships are available.
Carolanne LeBlanc
Meeting: 4th Saturday of every month except December
Imperial Palms, East Clubhouse, 101 Imperial Palm Drive, Largo, Florida 33771