Event created by Scott Adams
Hi Minneapolis! Join us at the Twin City Grill in the Mall of America for a fantastic 5 course dinner with or without wine pairing! Make reservations now! GLUTEN FREE DINNER WITH OPTIONAL WINE PAIRINGS THURSDAY, JUNE 12 Join us for an evening devoted to our gluten-free diners as our Executive Chefs prepare a custom five course gluten-free menu, with optional wine pairings to complement. The evening begins with a reception at 6:30 p.m., followed by the seated dinner at 7:00 p.m. and is priced at $50.00 per person without wine pairings and $65.00 per person with wine pairings, plus tax (gratuity not included). A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Celiac Disease Foundationchapter in MN. For more information or to make a reservation, please call Debbie at 952-854-0200. DOWNLOAD MENU Restaurant link to event: Twin City Grill » Events Twin City Grill » Events TwinCity Grill located in the MOA has events and promotions for adults and kids. Bar and wine specials, kid specials and events and beer and wine ... View on twincitygrillrestaurant.com Preview by Yahoo Thank you Twin City Grill! See you all there! Lynn and Carol Lynn Shadle Gabriel Celiac Disease Foundation Twin Cities Chapter -President 7300 Lilac Lane Victoria, MN 55386 CDFTwinCities@ymail.com 952.443.2626 www.CDFTwinCities.com