Event created by Scott Adams
The Gluten Intolerance Group is hosting GIG's 40th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at the beautiful Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center.
Just look at a few of the things being offered:
Help us celebrate GIG's 40 years of service!
Consumers at our events are always looking for new products to trust. Your company's products would be of great interest. Over 1000 attendees expected to attend. We have a range of booth prices available:
Please see our website for more information www.gluten.net. Call or email for more details at 253-833-6655 or Nichol.Creach@gluten.net.
Enjoy. Learn. Taste. Living a Healthy, Balanced Gluten-Free Life!
We hope to see you there!
Nichol Creach
Gluten Intolerance Group