Event created by Scott Adams
Saturday, November 6, 2004 (noon-3pm)
Wyoming Medical Center's Health Services Building at the corner of Washington and 3rd Street, Casper Wyoming. Starting at noon will be lunch and our Holiday Goodies, so don't forget to bring a gluten-free food dish with the recipe. Our meeting will start at 12:30.
Usana Nutritional Health Products by Judy Ginnity, R.N., C.N.
The Macro and the Micro View of Cellular Nutrition
Associate with Usana Health Sciences
Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates --- choices for the Celiac diet.
Evaluate nutritional supplements, ratios and GMP standards.
Why supplement at all?
Call Debby: 307-266-4449 or Email: wyceliacassoc@alluretech.net for further information.