Event created by Scott Adams
Contact: Kelly Fowell Velez
650-216-6405, kelly.velez@sbcglobal.net
Our next BBQ will be on Sunday, September 26th from
11am to 3pm. Susi Khosla was kind enough to reserve
Rinconada Park, 777 Embarcadero Road in Palo Alto,
the same site as last time (at the Sequoia site behind
the Girl Scout House). Please bring your own grillables,
drinks, paper goods and a dish to share (list ingredients).
You can also bring toys, frisbees, badminton, etc. I will
send out directions when we get closer to the date.
We look forward to welcoming new members. This
is for ALL members and their families and anyone new
you think would enjoy the gathering.
Please RSVP to me by e-mail (note new e-mail address)
so that we have an idea of how many to expect.
Note from celiac baker Mike Groff. . .
I'd be happy to take bread orders from anyone for that day.
I've also been making pizza crusts that are really good and
everyone seems to enjoy them. Both the white and the
"wheat" bread sell for $3.00 each and the 10" pizza crusts
are $3.00 each also. I will try to bring some other goodies
that we've been working on and, as always, we'd love to
get your feedback. To place an order, please send an
e-mail to: icaneatthat@comcast.net
(If you place an order, please also remember to bring a
cooler with ice to the picnic for storage.)