Event created by Scott Adams
Gluten Intolerance Group ® June 17 through 19, 2004 Double Tree Hotel -
Chicago-Oak Brook, Chicago, Illinois
A conference for individuals, families and medical professionals, to explore
valuable resources, receive cutting edge information and research updates, and
to network with others in the celiac and gluten-intolerance community.
Who should attend? - Everyone interested in gluten intolerance diseases,
celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.
There are four programs available.
1) A 3-day conference to provide the public and patients with skills for
living gluten free and learn about the latest in research in celiac disease.
2) A GIG Kids Day Camp filled with learning activities and fun.
3) A CME-approved Physicians program designed to working with celiac disease
in various types of practice.
4) A CEPU-approved program for Dietitians, to learn how to help patients be
successful in following a gluten-free diet.
To learn more about the conference visit www.gluten.net, click on 2005 Events
and Annual conference, or call 206-246-6652; or email gig@gluten.net
Come join us, meet friends and leaders in medical fields, and enjoy trying
new and familiar gluten-free foods.