Event created by Scott Adams
Today, I finalized our October dining event with Chef Gene! I have
attached the Blue menu and reformatted it slightly. The gluten-free items
are keyed and highlighted in royal blue. I didn't delete the non-gluten-free items
so you could see the entire menu. Also, I know we have several non-celiac
spouses who may want to come. Chef Gene can make a gluten-free dessert for
us but we need to decide which one and provide a count when I make the
reservation - so please specify your preference in your rsvp. Sorry, I
forgot to get a price on these.
Place: Blue - Restaurant & Bar
Corner of College & 5th Street (Uptown Charlotte)
214 N. Tryon St., Ste. 100
Charlotte, NC 28202
Date: Saturday - October 15th
Time: 6 pm (free valet parking)
RSVP: Wed. - October 12th
Include dessert preference:
(if yes, then rank - ex's., "1-3-2", "1 or 3" or "only 1")
1. Trio of Custards - Flan, Crème Brulee and Panna Cotta
(an Italian Citrus Custard)
2. Cheesecake - Chocolate
3. Cheesecake - Carmel
4. No Dessert
I know there are several of us who have been waiting a long time for this
dining indulgence! I will bring copies of the menu with me so it is
provided for your advance viewing pleasure...:>) I hope everyone can
Warm regards, Janet
Charlotte, NC
The Queen City