Event created by Scott Adams
People who cannot eat wheat, barley, rye or oats are invited to attend a
meeting of the Houston Celiac Support Group at 1:30 to 4 p.m., Sat.,
Feb. 7. The program will be "So, What If I Cheat" given by Michelle
Pietzak, M.D. Dr. Pietzak is Assistant Profession of Pediatrics,
gastroenterologist at Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles, CA. Marlene
Glass, of Marlene's Mixes in Tyler, TX, will be our special guest, and
we will taste her gluten-free specialties. The free meeting will take
place at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, 11612 Memorial Drive,
Houston 77024, in the Amphitheater. For information and reservations,
call Janet at 281/679-7608.
Janet Rinehart, Chairman
Houston Celiac Support Group