Event created by Scott Adams
On Saturday, April 3, the Topeka Celiac Sprue Support Group will be meeting
at 10:30 a.m. in the Pozez Education Center at 1508 SW 8th Street in Topeka,
Kansas (enter on the north side). The meeting will be on the second floor
in the Adams Room. If you want to bring a GT dish, we are sharing pie-a
cake is also fine. You certainly are not required to bring anything-if you
do, bring the recipe please. Just come and share.
We will be discussing the "Camera You Eat." It is a capsule that is
swallowed and is used to diagnosed small bowel pathology and occult
gastrointestinal bleeding. It is now being used in Topeka, Kansas. This
doesn't mean that the doctor's will necessarily be diagnosing Celiac with it
but come learn about it. There will also be support for newly diagnosed
individuals (we have several). AND we will end our meeting with a wonderful
piece of pie or cake.
The meeting will be over at approximately noon to 12:30 p.m. If you have
questions, please e-mail me.
Sharon Larson, President
Topeka Celiac Support Group