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Psoriatic Arthritis

Lady Eowyn

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Lady Eowyn Apprentice


Thought I would ask if anyone out there has any advice on psoriatic arthritis.


It's hubs who gets it. He had psoriasis from age about 11 (I think), not too bad, just on elbows, shins, ankles and backs of knuckles. Had steroid type creams for this (not much good, I believe).


Well the psoriasis went away and was replaced by psoriatic arthritis when he was about 38. It started in one knee which blew up huge  :o and when the hospital finally worked out what it was they operated on it - that knee is now so much worse!

He is now 62 and has joint swelling and pain (to varying degrees) in wrists, ankles, knees and toes and slightly in fingers.

He has taken Indometicin (nsaid) for over 20 years and until about 2 years ago took a disease modifying tablet (can't think of the name at the moment) but a new doc told him it was no good and would damage his liver so he stopped that.

It was obviously not doing much as he hasn't missed it.


He kindly went gluten free with me :rolleyes: and to be honest I wonder if he has celiac too as he is generally improved although he does occasionally have some (very rare). In the past I often noticed his PA was much worse after drinking beer - you can imagine the denial this comment produced over the years :ph34r: !


In the last week or two it has been playing up for the first time since gluten free - any ideas or suggestions for anything that may help?


(Apologies for any spelling mistakes).



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    • CeeBee1807
      Thank you, I will have a read through through this.    No not insulted at all, you are completely correct.  It has always been this way to an extent with regards to reluctance in ordering further tests, but with current pressures it seems more difficult than ever. There are not enough GP appointments and I’m aware they are seeing more patients than ever. It’s difficult to explain all symptoms and go through history in 10 minutes, so I can see why we are where we are but, equally frustrating as I believe delving a little deeper could have possibly helped, a lot sooner.    I really appreciate all the information on which tests I should be asking for, I think it won’t be as easy to brush me off if I’m confident in what I’m asking for. Hopefully I get a positive response. 
    • Wormsy22
      Sorry....I realized I did it wrong after hitting submit...and I ressubmitted to Knitty.  Getting used to this interface....but thanks for the followup.  You've built a nice community here.  I've gotten more useful information in 24 hrs for free than I have in the past 12 mos for thousands of dollars. Now I'm hopeful some of it helps me   TV
    • Scott Adams
      I think you may be confusing me here with @knitty kitty, however, I also take B1, and in my signature block is a link to my supplementation.
    • Wormsy22
    • trents
      CeeBee, you might find this interesting and even share it with your doctors: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7868701/ I hope you aren't insulted by this comment, but I have gotten the definite impression from following many postings on this forum that your healthcare system there in the UK is rather inflexible when it comes to ordering diagnostic testing and the patients seem to have little room for input. In part at least, this may be due to the system being overly stressed. When checking for celiac disease, many doctors in the UK will only order the TTG-IGA blood antibody test. Ideally, a more complete celiac antibody panel would be ordered which would include: Total IGA TTG-IGA DGP-IGA TTG-IGG DGP-IGG At bare minimum, at least the first two should be ordered. Please consider talking to your physician about this.  
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