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Canker Sores


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megsybeth Enthusiast

One of my most recent symptoms before diagnosis was cankers sores. I've had them all my life. Other celiac symptoms went away over the years but these stuck. Since going gluten free I get them occasionally and mentioned to my celiac specialist and she says the symptoms can last a while. But they're getting a lot better and less comon.


Today my son, who is 4 and gluten intollerant, showed me has first canker sore. And I have one. I've heard some people get them when glutened. Anyone else? I'm not sure what could be new, checked all our supplements. The only restaurant we've been to is Chipotle which has been good to us so far. I'm just wondering if I should eliminate some foods or if it's a coincidence we both have them.


Thanks for any advice!

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shadowicewolf Proficient

It could be a cc issue. Its been known to happen :(


Hope you start feeling better. I read somewhere that honey helps to heal them.

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GF Lover Rising Star

I get them whenever my immune system acts up.  I swab with vinegar to hurry them along.

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JNBunnie1 Community Regular

Without other symptoms, I wouldn't consider canker sores to be a sign of a glutening,

although it is possible. I found that any commercial toothpaste gives me canker sores,

I now have to use liquid soap to brush my teeth (you get used to it....). All it is is a

localized bacterial infection. I find that zinc lozenges kick the crap out of them. I hold

the lozenge against it for as long as I can, until it melts away. It also numbs the canker

sore, which is good, cuz those buggers hurt! Also avoiding sugar helps, as with any


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EmiPark210 Contributor

I get them when I've had too much sugar coupled with stress. Everyone has their own causes but if you've still been getting them without gluten then it doesn't seem like it's a CC sign, though it's ways worth checking things every once and a while.

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gluten-is-kryptonite Apprentice

I used to get them all the time growing up and then once i got diagnosed with Celiac last year and got completely off gluten I no longer get canker sores (or the laundry list of other symptoms).


If i get glutened accidentally I always will get a canker sore a few days later. Every time!!


If you are still getting canker sores I would ask if you by any chance are getting a small amount of gluten. Do you use a separate toaster? Are you getting cross contamination without knowing it?

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VeggieGal Contributor

After my positive blood test and then being referred to the hospital, one of the first questions the specialist asked me was "do you get mouth ulcers?" so I guess it must be related. I used to get them as a kid but thats all. My 11 yr old son gets them all the time but he tested negative on a home testing kit , but of course its not the full panel. I used to just think they were caused by being run down and too much sugar.

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birdie22 Enthusiast

I've had them since I was a child. I always assumed it was acidic food, and later on, hormonal. Since going gluten-free in Nov '11 they all but disappeared. I do still get one every now and then. Usually they are tiny and come/go within a few days, unlike before when they'd get huge and take forever to heal. Sadly, I've had two horrible ones back to back this month, each lasting at least 7 days and one immediately following the other. I chalk it up to cc issue as my husband and kids are not gluten-free.


I've heard that SLS free toothpaste helps (I used Rembrandt C) as well as B12 and l-lysine.

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Sharon-1 Newbie

My sons canker sores were severe. It was between that and his constantly complaining about his stomach aches that pushed me to take him to a specialist.  My family doctor tested for h pylori, it came back negative.  I just had the feeling that he was wrong.  After an upper and lower Gi we found he did have the h pylori bacteria and not long after we started on meds for it his test results came back saying he was positive for Celiacs.  Wow what a moment to finally find out what the problem was after so long of fighting it.  He had mouth sores so severely that it actually scared his mouth.  He could not even get braces which he needs badly.  Now we are on the right track. I can tell when he has something he is not suppose to eat because his mouth breaks out.  I currently give him B complex and lysene every day. He has aspergers and ADHD also.  His melt downs have been fewer and he is currently doing a little better in school.   His father has always had mouth sores also.  We had him tested for celiacs but it came back negative.  He has all of the symptoms including osteoporosis   He just had a hip replacement and is only 53 years old.  He has not complained of a mouth sore since I insisted we all go gluten free.  I am currently still learning about all of the wheat products and I am still amazed at the items with wheat in them.  I am grateful to have forums like this one to help. 

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  • 3 months later...
Pegleg84 Collaborator

I realize I'm reviving an old topic, but might as well add to it rather than starting a new one.

I'm dealing with a nasty nasty sore right now. I almost couldn't get to sleep last night the pain was so bad.

I used to get them a lot pre-gluten-free, and now they only show up if I've been glutened or have a cold or something. It's usually a sure sign that I'm still recovering from some damage.

I've had this one for almost a week, so need to do something serious to force it to heal (It's in a really bad spot, constantly rubbing against my teeth, so any protective gel stuff rubs right off). I've done a salt pack (PAIN!!) which does help a bit, but I'll try the vinegar instead. Apple cider vinegar is my new cure-all.
Taking lots of vitamin c, b12, and zinc is also supposed to help.


Anyone else have canker-killing tips?

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ImaMiriam Apprentice

I'd like to hear any remedies, too! My daughter says she has these mouth sores a lot, and I found out that Anbesol has gluten in it. So we have nothing now.


How do you know if it's the toothpaste? I thought that all toothpaste is gluten-free. If it's not, I gotta go check them all right away before anyone brushes their teeth tonight!!!!


Can anyone recommend gluten-free zinc lozenges? That sounds like a good idea -- are there any side effects to these?



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Pegleg84 Collaborator

Some toothpastes do have gluten, but its not common. I'm sure there's a thread or two around about which are/aren't. Some people do find other ingredients in toothpaste to be irritating, like sulphites and other nastiness (yet toothpaste is one of the few non-all-natural things I still use).


I tried the vinegar (unfiltered apple cider vinegar, with the mother, which is kind of a cure-all) and it seems to be helping. It's starting to heal, and being less of a pain. Hopefully will be gone by the end of the week. Instead of swabbing, I rinced my mouth with a bit, concentrating on the sore area. It stings, but not as bad as salt.

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birdie22 Enthusiast

Prescription orabase pastes work well. My PCP gave me an RX but your dentist could too. Just dob it on with a Qtip before bed. It's gritty and gross tasting/feeling but it does help cut down the pain and longevity of a nasty sore.

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GF Lover Rising Star

There is this stuff called Swish And Swirl.  My Oncologist gave it to me when my immune system crashed and canker sores were killing me.  It's a Rx.  Easy to use and tastes fine.  You swish in mouth and swallow.  Speeds healing and works to decrease severity.  And GP can prescribe it.



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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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