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Switch From Culturelle To Align Based On Bifidobacteria. Thoughts?


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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

So I've been taking Culturelle for a few months now, and my digestion is improving, but after reading Real Life with Celiac Disease by Dennis and Leffler, I am thinking about switching brands based on this excerpt from p. 283 of their book:


"Most probiotics, in fact, are able to affect the intestinal barrier function favorably, increasing its tightness and reducing the inflammation.  And there is also experimental evidence that some probiotics (especially Bifidobacteria) are capable of preventing the gliadin-induced toxicity to the intestinal lining.  In addition, research has shown that children with celiac disease differ from their healthy counterparts in the composition of the kinds and amounts of naturally occurring intestinal bacteria (microflora). They have lesser numbers of some species (again, especially Bifidobacteria) in their small and large intestines, and their content of bacteria is, in general, less diverse, with fewer strains present.  Also, research showed that bacteria in stool samples from treated or untreated patients with celiac disease can stimulate inflammation in the intestine.  When some Bifidobacteria are added to such preparations, there is much less inflammatory effect."


In the case study for this chapter they end up recommending the patient to take Align because it has the Bifidobacteria in it, but it also has casein in it.  I have been avoiding dairy, but I'm wondering since Align contains this strain that's been showed to be very beneficial, should I try it instead?  I gave up dairy because of going gluten-free.  I've never been a fan of it anyway.  I drink one glass of milk and get a bunch of mucus in my throat.  Cheese and yogurt seem to be fine, so I'm thinking maybe it is lactose, although I haven't had a lactose intolerance test.  Do you think the minimal amount of casein would be fine?  Did anyone switch from Culturelle to Align and notice a change?  


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IrishHeart Veteran

Culturelle has lactobacillis GG in it--which is great for diarrhea. If you do not suffer D, you do not need that one.


Any other multi -strain probiotic with bifidobacteria in it will  cover all the bases.


I use this one


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On the Align website FAQ section:
When did you remove the language "this product does not contain lactose, soy, or gluten" from the Align label? Has Align changed?
The Align product has not changed. At this time, we do not test for lactose, soy or gluten in Align and as of October 2012 are no longer stating "this product does not contain lactose, soy, or gluten" on the label.



Just so you know. 

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

Irish-thanks for the info!  I did see that disclaimer on their site  :(   I didn't really know what the different strains did until I read that book, so now I really want to take one with bifidobacteria after reading the above page.  I appreciate the link to the probiotics you take, and I'm thinking I'll order those.  While I'm at it  :) , what are your recommendations about digestive/pancreatic enzyme brands?  Before gluten-free, I had the big C, now I'm going regularly thankfully but sometimes have loose stools, with clearly visible fruits and veggies in them...yuck!  I understand I need to let my body heal, but how can I help my food break itself down more so I can hopefully absorb my nutrients better?  


PS-in another topic I posted you recommended reading Real Life with Celiac Disease.  Thank you!  It is a fantastic book  :)


Culturelle has lactobacillis GG in it--which is great for diarrhea. If you do not suffer D, you do not need that one.


Any other multi -strain probiotic with bifidobacteria in it will  cover all the bases.


I use this one


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On the Align website FAQ section:
When did you remove the language "this product does not contain lactose, soy, or gluten" from the Align label? Has Align changed?
The Align product has not changed. At this time, we do not test for lactose, soy or gluten in Align and as of October 2012 are no longer stating "this product does not contain lactose, soy, or gluten" on the label.



Just so you know. 

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IrishHeart Veteran

I think that book is pretty fantastic too. Full of great info. 


You are pretty early in the healing phase, so your bowels are still a bit wonky.


I think the custom probiotics will help you immensely. I was in dire shape when Dxed and they have really "righted the ship" for me.

My 12 years of so-called  "IBS"...history.


Digestive enzymes are necessary when you have pancreatic insufficiency. They do not  act to "grind food down" per se

if that is what you are thinking by asking about pieces of food in your stool.


From the Mayo Clinic: "Occasionally, you may see undigested food fragments in stool. This usually is high-fiber vegetable matter, which isn't digested by the enzymes in your digestive tract. Undigested food in stool generally isn't a problem unless it's accompanied by persistent diarrhea, weight loss or other changes in your bowel habits. "


Does that help? If it matters, I see pieces of fibrous veggies there myself sometimes, but my stool is healthy.

(gosh, the things we divulge on here huh? )  :lol:


If you had trouble with fats and carbs, you would need digestive enzymes.


You can try them if you want, of course!. I used Digest Gold at the beginning because my GI tract was a total mess and it took me

a long time to heal. 

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

sold!  I just ordered the probiotics.  Yep it's usually veggies and fruits I see.  I'm trying to get more Vitamin K to up my level, but it looks like my effort in getting those leafy greens is money flushed down the toilet :D  I know it's normal to see some undigested food, but I just don't know how much.  I had trouble with nuts and coconut which I thought the fiber/fat combination in those might have just been too much.  I haven't tried nuts/coconut since early April.  It's about time I give them a try again, but I think I will wait until 4th of July travel time is over :lol:   I think digesting fat does give me some problems, but I'll start with the probiotics and give my body some time to adjust and see how it goes.  Have a great weekend, Irish!


I think that book is pretty fantastic too. Full of great info. 


You are pretty early in the healing phase, so your bowels are still a bit wonky.


I think the custom probiotics will help you immensely. I was in dire shape when Dxed and they have really "righted the ship" for me.

My 12 years of so-called  "IBS"...history.


Digestive enzymes are necessary when you have pancreatic insufficiency. They do not  act to "grind food down" per se

if that is what you are thinking by asking about pieces of food in your stool.


From the Mayo Clinic: "Occasionally, you may see undigested food fragments in stool. This usually is high-fiber vegetable matter, which isn't digested by the enzymes in your digestive tract. Undigested food in stool generally isn't a problem unless it's accompanied by persistent diarrhea, weight loss or other changes in your bowel habits. "


Does that help? If it matters, I see pieces of fibrous veggies there myself sometimes, but my stool is healthy.

(gosh, the things we divulge on here huh? )  :lol:


If you had trouble with fats and carbs, you would need digestive enzymes.


You can try them if you want, of course!. I used Digest Gold at the beginning because my GI tract was a total mess and it took me

a long time to heal. 

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IrishHeart Veteran

sold!  I just ordered the probiotics.  Yep it's usually veggies and fruits I see.  I'm trying to get more Vitamin K to up my level, but it looks like my effort in getting those leafy greens is money flushed down the toilet :D  I know it's normal to see some undigested food, but I just don't know how much.  I had trouble with nuts and coconut which I thought the fiber/fat combination in those might have just been too much.  I haven't tried nuts/coconut since early April.  It's about time I give them a try again, but I think I will wait until 4th of July travel time is over :lol:   I think digesting fat does give me some problems, but I'll start with the probiotics and give my body some time to adjust and see how it goes.  Have a great weekend, Irish!


Not entirely "flushed down the toilet", hon! ..Any leafy greens you eat are doing great work! Just because you "see some of them" does not mean you are not absorbing

a great deal of them!! Keep eating them. Do not worry if you "see them" okay? 

Cukes are a good source of Vit K. too . :)


Kiddo, try the shredded coconut before the nuts. wait a week in between trials.

Coconut flour and coconut oil...Non abrasive and good for you!


Ever try baking with coconut flour? yum

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

got it  :)


Any leafy greens you eat are doing great work! Just because you "see some of them" does not mean you are not absorbing

a great deal of them!! Keep eating them. Do not worry if you "see them" okay? 




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IrishHeart Veteran

got it  :)




hang in there, kiddo!!!

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dilettantesteph Collaborator

The studies I saw: Open Original Shared Link

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were for Bifidobacterium infantis 35624


Along with Align, Natren makes a product containing it, and they have a formulation that uses goats milk instead of cow milk.  My son and I have both been taking the Align and I think that it does make us less sensitive to gluten.  We both notice when we miss a day.  We both tolerate milk.

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notme Experienced

i just started taking a probiotic last week (culturelle) - i tried an align 'knockoff' (i think the cvs brand) when i was first dx'd but i didn't realize that *everything* wasn't going to sit well right in the beginning.  i thought it was making me worse!  anyways, i am taking it 1x a day.  it says you can take 2 a day.  will too much make you sick?   when is the best time to take it - i guess with food?  before food?  after food?  i'm a little sheepish, here, because i am so surprised it's helping ME when i know it's good for OTHERS lolz   :ph34r:

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IrishHeart Veteran

The wonderful man from Custom probiotics tells people to take them on an empty stomach.

First thing in the morning or at bed time.


One a day is sufficient, unless you have really bad D? (take 2 until you get it under control)


or gastroenteritis.

I had "the flu" last February. Just horrid. I have not been sick like that in years. fever, no appetite, body aches, spacey head, headache...etc. Made me cry

it was so bad. Not kidding. I started reading what the hell can we do for the "stomach flu". anyway??


Medical articles say it is really just "gastroenteritis", which is inflammation in the gut and since probiotics reduce inflammation, I started thinking......(dangerous, I know  :lol: )

When I could not stop the D or the painful abdomen --this went on for days and days and days- 

I took a dose of probiotics every few hours. I did that all day long with lots of water..


Got rid of it within 24 hours.

Bowels back to normal. Felt great.  


I tell ya, I am a huge probiotic believer.!! :)


Turns out, most "stomach bugs/flus" are just gastroenteritis, my GI confirms.

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

ok good to know!  In the morning, I take my three Citrucel with water wait a little bit and then take my Culturelle then eat some breakfast.  I don't know if taking the Citrucel before alters the performance of a probiotic, but Cit. helps get me going in the morning, so at this point, I don't skip it  :)  Maybe I'll start taking them at night when I get the new probiotic.  


anyone notice a difference depending on the time of day you take the probiotic?


The wonderful man from Custom probiotics tells people to take them on an empty stomach.

First thing in the morning or at bed time.


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IrishHeart Veteran

ok good to know!  In the morning, I take my three Citrucel with water wait a little bit and then take my Culturelle then eat some breakfast.  I don't know if taking the Citrucel before alters the performance of a probiotic, but Cit. helps get me going in the morning, so at this point, I don't skip it  :)  Maybe I'll start taking them at night when I get the new probiotic.  


anyone notice a difference depending on the time of day you take the probiotic?


Not really. I have taken them in the morning or at bedtime or right in the middle of the day, if I did not do it in the morning.


Soon, you will not need that citrucel, I am hoping. (the tablets are just a bunch of chemicals)

I used to take it all the time before DX when my former doc told me I only had "IBS" and he had me on that, GERD medicines, Zantac, about 3 more things--even low-dose amitryptilline .. <_< .I do not need any of those things anymore, (yaay!)


Ground flaxseed meal in a big glass of water will also produce the nice BMs you want, if you're looking for fiber. (I did not expect to know so much about "poopology" :D  but what can I say? My GI tract was a disaster so I made it my mission to figure it out.)

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

I'm hopeful that Citrucel will be a thing of the past soon!  there are so many things I tried for the big C pre-gluten-free.  I was doing everything right by doctor guidelines...more fiber and water, exercising.  Though more intense exercise actually made it worse.  I read a book called Fiber Menace and became familiar with the Bristol Stool Chart :lol:   I couldn't understand why my friends could eat the same food that I did like Fiber One, and it helped them, but only made me feel worse and more bloated.


The more Fiber One bars/types of those products I would eat, the more stopped up I would get even with adequate water.  Not being able to go regularly really got me, so for the same visit where I got prescribed Wellbutrin for a few months, I truly needed it at that point, my GP said to take Miralax for the C but that made me feel even worse.  Exlax didn't give me relief, but gas to the extreme.  Dulcolax worked for me, but I would have to take 5 for anything to happen even though the max dose was to be 3.  I once drank a bottle of magnesium citrate and nothing :huh: If I ate a large amount of sugar, that would get me moving, but I'm talking an obscene, unhealthy amount of sugar.  Which I know between that and less intense exercise due to that weighed down feeling, caused my weight gain.  Pure gylcerin suppositories became my go to because I bought the ones that didn't have any stimulants.  I kept experimenting, but I didn't understand why my bowels stopped functioning like they had.  You know you've hit a low when you're jealous that others are able to go everyday with ease :lol:   That's when I finally said enough is enough and went to a GI.  


I just didn't understand.  Now I'm feeling so much better, but I only wish that I would have known back then that my depression was linked to gluten, and not because I was losing it.  I really feel for people that have chronic depression because I've never felt so hopeless and helpless in my life.  Luckily the Wellbutrin helped get me back in check, but why didn't anyone ever tell me 90% of the serotonin is produced in your gut  :blink:  I still have a little anxiety here and there, but what a difference going gluten-free!


I want to give other natural things a try in the future, and I wonder how many of the above products would have worked for me, if gluten would have been cut-out.  My Grandma had to have a bowel resection surgery a few years ago and swears by ground flax seed.  They tested her for celiac, but that was before the DGP tests were available, so she said it was negative.  I will have to try flax again in the future  :)


this ended up being a lot longer than I thought...


Not really. I have taken them in the morning or at bedtime or right in the middle of the day, if I did not do it in the morning.


Soon, you will not need that citrucel, I am hoping. (the tablets are just a bunch of chemicals)

I used to take it all the time before DX when my former doc told me I only had "IBS" and he had me on that, GERD medicines, Zantac, about 3 more things--even low-dose amitryptilline .. <_< .I do not need any of those things anymore, (yaay!)


Ground flaxseed meal in a big glass of water will also produce the nice BMs you want, if you're looking for fiber. (I did not expect to know so much about "poopology" :D  but what can I say? My GI tract was a disaster so I made it my mission to figure it out.)

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IrishHeart Veteran

Actually, talking about it is illuminating for you.

It gives you insight into your health history and how doctors symptom-treat rather than

find the cause. (this is my life story) :huh:


You're going to feel better and better as time goes on!!. You may not need that Wellbutrin in time, so be aware of it.


If you are still taking the SSRI  and your gut starts working well, you may have too much seratonin in your system (and that is a whole' nuther set of awful symptoms)


Just be careful, okay?


Give the probiotics a chance and stay the course. You're still in healing mode, but you sound as if you are doing really well

so far. Time and patience....those are key.

Just hang in there, hon! ;)


PS My mom pooped little marbles her entire life. 6 months gluten-free, probiotics and dumping dairy (she used to drink 16 oz a day)............ and she was thrilled to have a normal BM for the first time in her life. She even called to tell me about her "OPP"..her code for One piece poop. :lol:


PPS. No, we are not crazy to be so excited about such things. If you have never experienced the horror of bowels that do not work, you just do not "get it".

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

I only took the Wellbutrin for a few months, but when I called the doctor about going off it my Mom said are you sure you want to do that because you seem so much better  :lol:  My GP said it was fine, so I went off of it, and I felt ready.  I really like how he informed me that I might have brain zaps introducing my body to the meds.  That was an experience I won't forget.  I felt wired the first week!   


I love the story about your Mom :D  My Mom has always had wonky bowels, so she thinks it perfectly acceptable to not go for three days.  My Grandma (her Mom) is the one that had the bowel surgery, so those types of problems seem to be in our genes.  My Mom often says her stomach is rockin and rollin, and I've suggested she get tested, but for her it would be a HUGE diet change.  I can totally understand her apprehension, but I really wish she could feel how much better I feel.  I try to not get the holier than thou attitude because I know that doesn't help, but she's my Mom and I'm being selfish because I want her around for a long time!


OPP  :lol: that's great!


Actually, talking about it is illuminating for you.

It gives you insight into your health history and how doctors symptom-treat rather than

find the cause. (this is my life story) :huh:


You're going to feel better and better as time goes on!!. You may not need that Wellbutrin in time, so be aware of it.


If you are still taking the SSRI  and your gut starts working well, you may have too much seratonin in your system (and that is a whole' nuther set of awful symptoms)


Just be careful, okay?


Give the probiotics a chance and stay the course. You're still in healing mode, but you sound as if you are doing really well

so far. Time and patience....those are key.

Just hang in there, hon! ;)


PS My mom pooped little marbles her entire life. 6 months gluten-free, probiotics and dumping dairy (she used to drink 16 oz a day)............ and she was thrilled to have a normal BM for the first time in her life. She even called to tell me about her "OPP"..her code for One piece poop. :lol:


PPS. No, we are not crazy to be so excited about such things. If you have never experienced the horror of bowels that do not work, you just do not "get it".

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IrishHeart Veteran

After a few more months, when you feel awesome...sit down with your Mom and explain the genetic aspect of celiac

and why she should be tested. (doctors recommend this)


YOUR improvement will be the best example. Write down all your symptoms before DX and check off the ones that resolve.

Show her why being gluten-free yields optimal health


and.......if my stubborn, set -in- her ways 85- year -old Mom can adapt easily to a gluten-free diet, anyone can. ;) watching me almost die really put it in perspective for her. But the genetic aspect really convinced her

because all of her health issues made sense then. As did my father's. 


My Mom is so heatlhy, works out a gym 3x a week and will likely outlive us all.  :lol:

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powerofpositivethinking Community Regular

thanks, Irish  :)


After a few more months, when you feel awesome...sit down with your Mom and explain the genetic aspect of celiac

and why she should be tested. (doctors recommend this)


YOUR improvement will be the best example. Write down all your symptoms before DX and check off the ones that resolve.

Show her why being gluten-free yields optimal health


and.......if my stubborn, set -in- her ways 85- year -old Mom can adapt easily to a gluten-free diet, anyone can. ;) watching me almost die really put it in perspective for her. But the genetic aspect really convinced her

because all of her health issues made sense then. As did my father's. 


My Mom is so heatlhy, works out a gym 3x a week and will likely outlive us all.  :lol:

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IrishHeart Veteran

You bet, hon. Keep me posted on your progress!  :)

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notme Experienced

I only took the Wellbutrin for a few months, but when I called the doctor about going off it my Mom said are you sure you want to do that because you seem so much better  :lol:  My GP said it was fine, so I went off of it, and I felt ready.  I really like how he informed me that I might have brain zaps introducing my body to the meds.  That was an experience I won't forget.  I felt wired the first week!   



my sister took welbutrin for awhile, and she did very well on it - it did what it was supposed to do and made her feel better.  my doctor (back in the gluten days lolz) prescribed it for me and as soon as i reached the dosage level (started me out with a little and then worked up to desired level) I WAS SUICIDAL *seriously* not my personality AT ALL!!  i am the type, if we're all drowning, i'm stepping on your head lolz my husband told me a joke and i was all like:  that's not even funny.  nothing is funny.  what am i doing here anyway. he says call the doctor so i did and they made me stop taking it immediately.  (and that was no fun either but at least i was my self-preserving self)  so, i guess it depends on how your brain is wired, because my sister was absolutely fine with it :)


oh, back to probiotics - sorry!  i took mine in the morning yesterday and it made me nauseas, so i'm going to go back to middle of the day, when there's already something in my stomach (not much of a breakfast eater - maybe that's why it made me feel blech-y)

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IrishHeart Veteran



oh, back to probiotics - sorry!  i took mine in the morning yesterday and it made me nauseas, so i'm going to go back to middle of the day, when there's already something in my stomach (not much of a breakfast eater - maybe that's why it made me feel blech-y)


Try taking it at bedtime, sweets? That way, you're asleep and it is doing its job.

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notme Experienced

Try taking it at bedtime, sweets? That way, you're asleep and it is doing its job.

this is true :)  i will try it that way.  i took one with lunch and my system is still a little 'loose' so maybe another at bedtime might do the trick!

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Gemini Experienced

Jut so ya know........80% of your immune system is based in the gut so this is why it is so important to keep the gut healthy.  When you take probiotics, you actually are giving your GI tract the food it needs to build a healthy immune system.  This is why I always shake my head at those who try to steer people away from taking them.  What Irish said is correct....if you get sick, take added dosages and you will recover much quicker.  I have been taking probiotics for 25 years and I rarely get sick with mainstream stuff.  I change strains every now and again to shake things up. 

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IrishHeart Veteran

  I change strains every now and again to shake things up. 



same here! :) 

I rotate different strains and different brands and every few months, I take a week off.

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notme Experienced

good to know :)  i am going to do the same, i think that makes sense.  i'm sure all my 'good' bacteria has been long gone from years of killer antibiotics because i used to catch every damb thing - this is my first year i made it all the way through the winter without catching anything :)  not even a cold!   so, my immune system must be doing better.  who'da thunk...  

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    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
    • MaximilianKohler
      First of all, you should read this information about SIBO: https://humanmicrobiome.info/sibo. It's a very questionable diagnosis that leads many people to harm themselves with misguided treatments. Regarding celiac, I think it's very likely that FMT can treat it. Have a look through the related research: https://humanmicrobiome.info/intro/#celiac. You will see that multiple studies have shown that "gluten intolerance" is actually intolerance to various other "prebiotic" substances. FMT should be able to restore the microbes required to properly digest/process those prebiotic substances. The main issue I've come across is that stool donors who are good enough to treat or cure any condition are extremely rare. FYI, there is no such thing as "resetting your microbiome". Antibiotics are often the suggestion for this, but they do permanent damage that FMT may not even be able to reverse. FMT is still in the research phase, so I'd be very weary of any doctor claiming to specialize in FMT. Most of the clinical trials are using low-quality donors and getting poor results because of that.   The gut microbiome plays a major role in regulating the immune system: https://humanmicrobiome.info/immune-system/ Furthermore, the gut microbiome also regulates intestinal permeability. And in many cases, it's a permeable gut barrier that allows various particles and microbes to enter the bloodstream, which then triggers an immune reaction.
    • cristiana
      @hilly Sorry as this is a blind post as I have a lot to do today and haven't read the entire thread.  But I had bad bloating for a while, and at my gastroenterologist's suggestion after a three week trial of going entirely dairy free  I found relief.   I reintroduced dairy gradually and am pretty much OK with it now.  I also found heavy iron supplementation added greatly to bloating.  For me, bloating gets to me either in my lower gut or in my stomach and upper back, and I once thought I might be having a heart attack the pressure was so immense.  I then remembered I'd taken some iron that morning.   If you are on iron, you may wish to try a different supplement.  My GP put me onto much more gentle iron fumarate tablets at one point,  suggesting I took them an hour before breakfast, with water, and that really helped. Also, take a look at the low FODMAP diet.  Although intended for sufferers of IBS, it suggests foods that can help lessen bloating.
    • cristiana
      Thanks for drawing our attention to this, Scott.  I have no idea about this in the UK, I think I need to do some more homework!  
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