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Blood Test


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NateJ Contributor

What's the story with the Celiac blood test. Is it accurate? Do GI doctors live by this result?

I had one done in 2011 that showed I had it apparently, and now just had another (new GI) and it shows normal levels.

I'm not sure what to do with that. Should i call my GI and ask him?



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1desperateladysaved Proficient

Were you gluten free when the blood test was done?  Did you have the full celiac panel done?  Were you eating normal amounts of gluten?


If you were gluten free for a couple years, the negative results would show that you are doing a good job keeping gluten out of your diet.  If you were eating gluten the whole time, that would be strange.



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IrishHeart Veteran

What's the story with the Celiac blood test. Is it accurate? Do GI doctors live by this result?

I had one done in 2011 that showed I had it apparently, and now just had another (new GI) and it shows normal levels.

I'm not sure what to do with that. Should i call my GI and ask him?



That's how celiac testing works. Your recent results reveal that you have the disease in check.


This is a very good thing. You want normal levels. This is the goal!


You were diagnosed with celiac because you had elevated levels of antibodies that indicate an immune reaction to gluten. 


You went gluten free and your gut healed.


Follow up testing should reveal normal levels of these same antibodies because it means you have the disease under control by eating a gluten free diet.


It does not mean you are cured. You still have celiac and you will always have it. And by following the gluten-free diet, you keep it controlled.


You should be thrilled! I'm happy for you. :)

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kareng Grand Master

To add to what Irish said -


A body makes antibodies as a response to an invader - like a germ.  Normally, these antibodies attack the germ.  In the case of Celiac, the antibodies attack the intestines.  This may be the body's way of keeping us from digesting something it thinks is an invader.  However, destroying the intestines isn't really a good idea unless it causes people to stop eating the offending invader.



The blood tests measure the presence of an antibody in your blood.  When a person with Celiac eats gluten, their body makes antibodies that attack the intestines.  When a person with Celiac stops eating gluten, their body stops making the antibodies.  When the body isn't making antibodies, a test looking for the antibodies would be negative.


Follow-up blood testing is done to make sure you are following a gluten-free diet and to catch the rare person whose body doesn't stop making the antibodies.


Does this answer your question?  No Pop Quiz today but maybe next class. 


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NateJ Contributor

ok, that's what i thought. I just wanted confirmation. I'm trying to figure out why my doctor would want to run the test again. I tried explaining to him that I haven't eaten gluten in over 2 years but he seemed to not hear me.

He wants to diagnose me again for whatever reason, or at least figure out why i'm loosing weight, and have constant stomach pain.

scopes scheduled for the end of the month too.

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kareng Grand Master

ok, that's what i thought. I just wanted confirmation. I'm trying to figure out why my doctor would want to run the test again. I tried explaining to him that I haven't eaten gluten in over 2 years but he seemed to not hear me.

He wants to diagnose me again for whatever reason, or at least figure out why i'm loosing weight, and have constant stomach pain.

scopes scheduled for the end of the month too.



He might have wanted to make sure you are really gluten-free.  And rule-out refractory sprue. 

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IrishHeart Veteran

He might have wanted to make sure you are really gluten-free.  And rule-out refractory sprue. 





He sounds like a thorough doc to me. He is starting by ruling out active celiac disease first with the antibodies test..


Glad you are in good hands. Good luck.

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nvsmom Community Regular

I think the doctors don't always believe us when we say we are gluten-free. I had my blood rechecked after one year and it was still slightly elevated, and now my doctor keeps rechecking it every month or two like he thinks it will suddenly drop if I am more careful.  LOL  :rolleyes: I couldn't be any more gluten-free.


Congrats on the negative tests.

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AlwaysLearning Collaborator

Wanting to run the same test again makes me think of that quote about insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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AlwaysLearning Collaborator

Just another thought, but have you tried avoiding fluoride?

I didn't know that people could actually be allergic to it until someone said something in another thread and I researched more, but gastrointestinal problems are one of the symptoms. Another scientific study linked hypersensitivity to fluoride to those with other autoimmune system or gastrointestinal problems which immediately made me think of everyone with celiac.

Some more reading shows that the sources of fluoride in our current food and water landscape are way broader today than they have been in the past because it is used in pesticides in addition to dental products. I may finally know why anything but spring water upsets my stomach.

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NateJ Contributor

Just another thought, but have you tried avoiding fluoride?

I didn't know that people could actually be allergic to it until someone said something in another thread and I researched more, but gastrointestinal problems are one of the symptoms. Another scientific study linked hypersensitivity to fluoride to those with other autoimmune system or gastrointestinal problems which immediately made me think of everyone with celiac.

Some more reading shows that the sources of fluoride in our current food and water landscape are way broader today than they have been in the past because it is used in pesticides in addition to dental products. I may finally know why anything but spring water upsets my stomach.

uh, no that one has never occured to me.

I make it a point to never drink tap water unless its boiled first. I always drink bottled water. I learned that lesson the hard way from traveling out of the country.

I know its in toothepaste but do they even make a flouride free one? Also, do you have a link to this study? I'm curious, but it seems worse than trying to avoid gluten in all its forms.


and I did get all my blood tests back last night. The values were insanley low on all the IG test. So at least i know i'm not getting contaminated from something i haven't thought of.

It's not helping my current level of stomach distress, and kind of concerns me more because i'm not getting much better.

My next step is to the urologist since they found more stones on my ab CT last week.

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1desperateladysaved Proficient

Tom's natural toothpaste does make toothpaste without fluoride.  I am sure there are others.  Lately I am using baking soda.  It is cheap!



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IrishHeart Veteran

Wanting to run the same test again makes me think of that quote about insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



But I am not sure what this quote has to do with this situation at all. This is standard protocol for follow-up care with celiac.


And, you want to see a different result: a low antibodies level.


He is still having symptoms and the first thing a doctor should do is make sure the antibodies are coming down.


Otherwise, he does not have the celiac under control.

But his good test results show that he does. so it may be something else causing his





before you start thinking that fluoride and toothpaste and water and so many other things are  contributing to your problem, see the urologist

and then, go back to the GI doctor. It's not always about gluten or things we ingest. It could be something amiss in your GI tract that is easily remedied


You could simply have other GI issues, relatively common in conjunction with celiac disease (h. pylori, microscopic colitis, gastritis, lack of good gut bacteria.)


I'd get checked out by the GI doctor if I were you, but it's your call. Offered  IMHO

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kareng Grand Master

Nate- I don't think I would worry about rare things like flouride intolerance right yet. Sounds like the doc is eliminating the obvious problem first - problems with Celiac and the gluten-free diet. See what the scope says and the urologist. Get that info and take care of the issues they find. Then you can see if you need to look into more obscure problems.

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NateJ Contributor

That was pretty much my plan.

I have an appt on thursday with my urologist then i need to follow up with the scope tests as soon as i have five free minutes and a day off work to do them.

This i'm sure most know is a busy time of the year. i have two kids going back to school right now. ugh


Meanwhile i'm taking probiotics and drinking lots of water, also being nice to my stomach and not eating anything to out of control.

Thanks for the good advice everyone.

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nora-n Rookie

There is a slightly elevated risk for hyperparathyroid for celiacs!  (you mentioned stones)


Get your calcium checked and glance at



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  • 2 weeks later...
TurdFerguson15 Newbie

Have you been tested for other food allergies/sensitivities?

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    • Wheatwacked
      Elevated levels of Anti-Gliadin IgG might mean that your body is reacting to gluten. This can happen when your immune system is more sensitive to gluten, which could be a sign of non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).  In the US 10% of the population are diagnosed NCGS while only 1% are diagnosed Celiac Disease.  "5 of 26 patients (20%) with biopsy-proven celiac disease during our specified period had a positive AGA IgA or IgG and a negative tTG." Anti-Gliadin Antibodies Identify Celiac Patients Overlooked by Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies In my non medical opinion, while your tests don't completely rule out Celiac disease it does indicate a high chance of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.  A biopsy would be required to rule out Celiac Disease.  Many have posted that they test negative for blood test, but were eventually confirmed to have Celiac by a biopsy, some took 10 years to finally be diagnosed. The tTG-IgA test has a sensitivity of 78% to 100% and the EMA-IgA test has a sensitivity of 86% to 100%.  So there is room for the doctors to be wrong.  Since you do better on gluten free diet, it is likely one of the two.  Both require gluten free diet for your health.
    • Layu
      Hi Wheatwacked,  I maked tests when i eat gluten every day and don't take probiotiks.  Calprotectin 27 ( norm is 0 - 50) tTG IGA - 0.41 ( norm is <20)  total IGA - normal (1,02). Norm is 0,60-3.48 EMA IGG  and EMA IGA - <1:10 (it was written that such a result excludes celiac disease by 98%)  Anti Gliadin G ( Alpha gliadin G) - 100 U/ml (norm is 0-12). I can also say that i have often mucus in stool. I forgot to say that.  Gluten free diet helps me, right, but i can eat sometimes bread and other. Not every day. And i havent diarrhea. 
    • Wheatwacked
      Hi Layu, Could you copy the lab results, exactly as they appear.  Test, your results and the range the lab uses? Did the gluten free diet help? It could be that the probiotic helped limit the damage the gluten was doing.  It may have lowered your test results, especially if your tests were taken during a period when you were not eating gluten.  Foods like fermented pickles and sauerkraut (lactobacillus) might also help.    
    • Rageagainstthewheat
      Does anyone have experience with H&B supplements? I purchased a few different supplements and most of them don’t say they are ‘gluten free’ but they don’t have wheat or gluten in their ingredients list and they don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning. Does that mean they would be safe to take? 
    • Wheatwacked
      I tried that but it wasn't enough.  Liquid Iodine drops.   In the 1970s, the median urinary iodine (UI) level in the United States was 320 mcg/L, which indicated adequate dietary iodine intake. However, the median UI level dropped by 50% between the 1970s and 1990s. This decline was likely due to a decrease in salt and egg consumption and the removal of iodate conditioners from breads. 
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