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Emmy Rossum (And Celiac Disease)


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LadyK Rookie

I have a story to share:


In high school, being a "theater geek," my favorite movie was The Phantom of the Opera, which had just come out recently. During that time, I was also feeling unhappy about my Celiac (because, as many of you know, high school isn't easy, and it's even harder when you're different). But one day, my good friend brought a magazine on the bus to show me. She was all excited about it. She opened it up to a picture of Emmy Rossum, who played Christine in Phantom, picking out a box of gluten-free cereal at a store. The caption said that Emmy had Cecliac Disease. It made me happy to see a celebrity I admired share Celiac with me, and to know that my friend appreciated that. So, ever since then, I consider Emmy a "Gluten-Free Buddy."*


* "Gluten-Free Buddy" is a phrase I made up (or at least I think I did), when I was younger, because I always felt a special connection between myself and other people who are gluten-free. We're all in this together! ^_^

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    1. - Banana posted a topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

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      Trying for a baby. Husband recently diagnosed Cealic.

    3. - trents replied to Kkbug's topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      Test results???

    4. - trents replied to moore.amy's topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

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    5. - Kkbug posted a topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      Test results???

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    • Banana
      Hi everyone.  I'm in the UK.  Currently experiencing gastro problems.  I'm 68 and this is pretty much the first time in my life that my gut has caused me any trouble.  I guess it all started about a year ago when my bowel movements changed & stayed changed.  Smaller, somewhat paler & they float (I think I'm getting used to talking about these things in detail quite quickly!). Over time I started to dread getting out of bed because I'd wake up feeling hungry & grab some muesli for breakfast ... and that was when it would all start: breakfast and then going to the toilet just knocked the stuffing out of me for an hour or more.  About 2 months ago I got severe abdominal pain & generalised weakness / lousy feeling all over.  That went on for about 5 weeks during which I went to see a GP.  Astonishingly (for our area) there actually WAS a GP available and she was calm, considered, thorough and has been proactive in trying to get to the bottom of this.  However the NHS does work a little slowly so no answers as yet. The severe pain has subsided.  However I am still very debilitated, still have slight pain in abdomen most of the time (though not at night fortunately).  I have psoriatic arthritis (it is autoimmune) and while it has disabled me in the past, Methotrexate and then the 'new' biologic drugs (and maybe luck) have helped considerably for many years now.  I'm fairly strong and active by inclination though of course not so much recently. One of the reasons I'm posting here is because I do have some kind of aversion to wheat & oats ... tasty as that homemade muesli was, I now flinch at the thought of it.  Same with the lovely fresh sourdough bread I used to buy. Obviously(?) I am aware of gluten intolerance and have been checking out coeliac disease but shying aware from wheat or products likely to be 'contaminated' with wheat has been visceral, feels almost instinctive.   I am used to to struggling to get through some days, most people with autoimmune diseases would say that I think.  But this is particularly horrible - I sometimes feel too weak & weird to speak.  I have a telephone appointment with a GI specialist in 2 days time.  And a gynaecological scan in 5 days.  Is there anything any of you would suggest asking the GI doctor?  Oh, and I have had blood and stool samples tested - all were fine apart from my usual high cholesterol.  But I don't know what the blood test checked for, I will ask about that. Apologies if I've missed any key things, I'm just reaching out ... information gathering etc.         
    • AileenK
      Hi there,   My husband within the last 3 months has been diagnosed Cealic.   We have a 1 year old little boy who we conceived on our first try.    Obviously we thought nothing of trying again for number 2 but it hasn't happened straight away (which I know can be completely normal) although now with his Cealic diagnosis things may be harder?   Has anyone else been through infertility with their husband diagnosed Cealic?    Or does anyone have any information that may put my mind at ease?    Thanks in advance.
    • trents
      You ask the question of should you consider trying going gluten free but before that you also state you had declined testing due to not wanting to continue eating gluten. Those two statements seem to contradict each other. Had you started eating gluten free at some point? Skipping one day of eating will have no material effect on celiac antibody test scores. It takes a couple of weeks of being off gluten to make much a change in test scores but even cutting back on gluten consumption could have lowered your tTG-IGA score if you had been cutting back for weeks or months. Your weak positive tTG-IGG could indicate celiac disease, by the way. However, the key to understanding hour negative test score results probably rests in the fact that you have low Immunoglobulin A. That will drive down individual IGA test scores such as the tTG-IGA and will often create false negatives. You could also be dealing with NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) which shares many of the same symptoms with celiac disease and is 10x more common. There is no test for NCGS. Celiac disease must first be ruled out. Some experts believe NCGS can be a precursor to the development of celiac disease. By the way, celiac disease is not a food allergy, it is an autoimmune disorder whose inflammatory response is triggered by the ingestion of gluten. So, a negative for wheat on an allergy test means nothing. In order for any kind of celiac disease testing to be valid, you must be consuming 10g of gluten daily (the amount in about 4-6 slices of bread) for at least two weeks. Since your Immunoglobulin is low, you should ask for more non IGA tests to be run such as the TTG-IGG and the DGP-IGG. By the way, are you sure your problem with dairy is the lactose? Many celiacs react the same way to CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) as they do to gluten. So it may not be the sugar component of dairy (lactose) that is the problem but the protein component (casein).
    • trents
      Many celiacs react the same way to CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) the same way they do to gluten and it also blunts the villi. The protein structures of the two are very similar. What about your BMs. Do you have oily stools and "floaters" when you eat fatty foods? Do you avoid dairy?
    • Kkbug
      I just got my celiac panel back and have a low Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum of 27, and high tTG-igG only indicating a weak positive of 6. My tTG-iga and everything else was negative/ normal. I was tested for food allergies including wheat at this time and they were all negative.    I have a history of eosinophilia since 2011, seen multiple hematologist who saw no issues and were never concerned with this. I have had constant GI troubles for my entire life, have acid reflux, extreme bloating after every meal (also lactose intolerant and cannot eat citric acid). The current symptoms that caused these tested are all of the above plus breaking out in hives daily for months straight, joint pain and swelling, and numerous mouth ulcers. My current CB and CMP indicated malnutrition. We have so far, ruled out anything that could cause a positive ANA, Lymes, rheumatoid factor, and thyroid problems.    overall, my question is should I push for further testing? Should I just try to go gluten free to see if there is any improvement? I genuinely am hitting rock bottom with how sick I have been and just want answers. I do not have the best relationship with food due to getting sick from it so frequently. Therefore, I had not ate anything prior in the day before my blood tests (4:00 pm). Not sure if this has effects of these tests, but I was not given specific instructions to eat prior.    also should add, I do have family history of a family member being gluten intolerant, but had declined testing due to not wanting to continue eating gluten. 
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