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Anybody Use Penzey's Spices?


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ItchyAbby Enthusiast

They have always been my favorite and my spice drawer is almost exclusively from their selection. But as I am continuing to make the clean sweep through my kitchen to get rid of anything possibly gluten-tainted, I am wondering if spices are of concern (gawd, I hope not!)

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kareng Grand Master

I love Penzy's spices. Pure spices should not be a concern.  Unless you used the flour spoon in the cinnamon.

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love2travel Mentor

Abby, I use them!  I get my in-laws to pick them up for me when they go to the U.S.  None that I have contain gluten - in fact, I do not think any do (but I have not called them myself for over a year).  My spice cupboard contains 85+ spices I roast and grind.  I am a spice fanatic!  :D   Sometimes I open the pantry and sigh deeply... ;)


This reminds me - I owe you some recipes! 

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IrishHeart Veteran

My bff chef pal uses Penzey's and I have eaten in her home many, many times...no problem.


When my McCormick spices start to dwindle, I am going to try some Penzey's.

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IrishHeart Veteran

Abby, I use them!  I get my in-laws to pick them up for me when they go to the U.S.  None that I have contain gluten - in fact, I do not think any do (but I have not called them myself for over a year).  My spice cupboard contains 85+ spices I roast and grind.  I am a spice fanatic!  :D   Sometimes I open the pantry and sigh deeply... ;)


This reminds me - I owe you some recipes! 



before I forget, can you pipe in over here.....? merci, sweet girl.




I am pretty sure she means you, not me. ;)


 I'm sure if our resident expert meanders along she'll be able to explain that there is an important difference 

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ItchyAbby Enthusiast

Oh this is good to hear. Thank you all! I am also a spice fanatic and the thought of havin got start over with all new spices is horrifying. Plus, Penzey's really are my favorite - always so fresh and bright tasting, never "dusty". I am fortunate that they have two retail locations in my city, but I used to order from them before they opened up here. Tomorrow I will be visiting them again to re-up a few things!

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love2travel Mentor

Oh this is good to hear. Thank you all! I am also a spice fanatic and the thought of havin got start over with all new spices is horrifying. Plus, Penzey's really are my favorite - always so fresh and bright tasting, never "dusty". I am fortunate that they have two retail locations in my city, but I used to order from them before they opened up here. Tomorrow I will be visiting them again to re-up a few things!

Two retail stores???? How can you stand it? I would be there so often I would get kicked out!

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IrishHeart Veteran

Two retail stores???? How can you stand it? I would be there so often I would get kicked out!

did you go where I asked yet? focus, girl, focus LMAO

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love2travel Mentor

did you go where I asked yet? focus, girl, focus LMAO

But I *am* focused very intently.

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IrishHeart Veteran

But I *am* focused very intently.


they need you here  :D



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ItchyAbby Enthusiast

Two retail stores???? How can you stand it? I would be there so often I would get kicked out!

It's pretty awesome. And dangerous... :D

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kareng Grand Master

Our Penzys is next to an olive oil store and a Ten Thousand Villages. You can't get off that block for less than $100.

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IrishHeart Veteran

now we're talkin!

I confess....I found a Sur la table and a Whole foods down here last week, plus a G F cafe...

omg...it was a $265 day. eek!

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love2travel Mentor

Our Penzys is next to an olive oil store and a Ten Thousand Villages. You can't get off that block for less than $100.

Stop it! All we have in this town is piles and piles of snow. No food stores or book stores. And I've read every decent book in our wee library about 12 times each.

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Celtic Queen Explorer

Also, if you sign up for Penzy's mailing list, they'll send you a catalog each month with a coupon for a free spice that can be redeemed at the store.  No other purchase necessary.  My coworker does it.

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  • 8 months later...
SMRI Collaborator

I know--old thread but I use Penzey's and I emailed the to confirm they were gluten-free because my cupboard is full of their spices and mixes.  This was their response "You may be happy to know that spices are naturally gluten-free, and we do not use any wheat, rye, oats, or barley in any of our products. Ingredients are clearly listed on our seasonings as well. We are in the process of testing all of our spices for gluten, but until everything is tested we cannot claim to be gluten free."  I was mostly concerned about their mixes since I use a lot of them.  We used to live 2 miles from a retail store and it was like a second home to me :D.  Now, I have to mail order....

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    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @RondaM! These two tests are celiac antibody tests and they both look to be negative: Endomysial Antibody IgA:  Negative t-Transglutaminase (tTG):  <2 We commonly refer to the t-Transglutaminase (tTG) as tTG-IGA.   This one is what we commonly call "total IGA" and is on the high side:  Immunoglobulin A, Qn  Serum :  417.  H Total IGA is not an antibody test for celiac disease per se but the reason it is run is that if it is on the low side (i.e., you are "IGA deficient") it can cause the individual IGA tests that are designed to check for celiac disease per se to be falsely negative. This is not a problem in your case. I do not know that there are any particular health concerns connected to having a higher than normal total IGA. Based only on these IGA tests it does not appear that you have celiac disease but it is unfortunate that only IGA tests were ordered. I would have been helpful to also include the DGP-IGG test. Some people who truly do have celiac disease just have immune systems that don't throw positives for IGA celiac antibody tests. But here is an important question. Had you already begun limiting gluten in your diet before the blood draw for the testing was done? If so, it rendered the testing invalid.  
    • MaximilianKohler
      What do you think of the contrary information on SIBO I shared which argues that the term itself is misleading, erroneous, and even harmful?   There are current patient-led efforts to get FMT approved by the FDA. Anyone interested in FMT should get involved.   Do you have a citation for this? The wiki I shared in my previous comment has a whole page on antibiotics, including dozens of studies and reviews concluding that the damage is permanent and compounds over generations.
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