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Toddler With Behavioral Changes And Severe Constipation


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raea2002 Apprentice

My son has been severely constipated for about 6 months now. Nothing seems to be helping. We have done miralax, lactalose, senna, and a few others. Anyways had celiac panel done (it was sent to CA) and came back normal. His esnophills came back elevated though. My son has had some MAJOR behavioral changes and I'm afraid to leave him alone with my 7 month old. Preschool is frustrated as am I. He is now head banging, screaming, and hitting all for some reason. He's constantly complained his tummy and lower back hurts since this constipation problems has started. Btw, we finally got hiim cleaned out.

Celiac runs in our family but neither my husband and I have it. Does this sound like gluten sensitivity or some other stomach issue? GI dr doesn't seem concerned because his blood panel was "normal". I'm at my whits end and don't know where to go from here.any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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raea2002 Apprentice

Forgot to mention his ezcema has flaired up again and he goes through periods of these behaviors daily. He has good moments and bad ones all day long. You can tell something is bothering him but "nothing" is wrong per dr today.

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mommida Enthusiast



Eosinophils are sometimes a diagnoses.  EGID  Where in the GI track were they found?  count?  Did your son have an endoscopy with biopsy?  My daughter has both Celiac and Eosinophilic Esophagitis.  A diagnoses of Eosinophil Gastrointestinal Disorder is a very serious diagnoses and the symptoms are extremely similar to Celiac.  There is now a proven link between the two and a new diagnoses of EE requires automatic screening of Celiac.


Work with a pediatric gastroenterologist for further testing and diagnoses.  Just a further question...  Did symptoms "flare" at the end of summer-early fall?  There seems to be a connection to airborne "allergens".  (this is the experience for mid west united states)

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nvsmom Community Regular

Have you considered making him gluten-free? It is possible he has non-celiac gluten intolerance (NCGI) which has ALL the same symptoms as celiac disease except the villi damage. It's also possible that his tests weren't accurate if he is new to the disease; the deaminated gliadin tests are generally the best to use on new cases or in very young celiacs - it catches cases that other tests miss.


My children tested negative but two have responded very well to the gluten-free diet: bathroom habits are much better and behavioural/concentration issues improved greatly. It took a few months but I'm glad I switched them to gluten-free.


Good luck!

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    • J1707
      Yes I definitely wrote this on my phone and still learning how to write correctly, I'm so sorry, but it would definitely be helpful to redo it that is after being put back on a gluten diet so it can possibly be more i guess noticable if I am? I've always had issues like these quite a lot since majorly my teen years , but it didn't become a huge problem til after having my daughter and so they all suspect me of possible celiac due to my blood tests and symptoms I've had when I was eating gluten filled food so it's definitely been frustrating that's for sure and thank you for the welcoming 😄
    • Wormsy22
      This tingling sensations have been going on about 5 weeks.  I am 52 years old.  So, I am trying to figure out if this is what is going on.  It sounds like the only things I can do to try to "confirm" it are... Get a DNA test to see if I have the genetic pre-disposition Get a Biopsy of small bowel.   Is that correct in your experience? Regarding blood test, I had a typical gluten cascade panel.  With scores as follows: tTG igA - 3 (Range shows 0-3 as negative...4-10 weak positive...>10 positive) Deadmidated Gliaden Abs, IgG - 2 (Range is 0-19 as negative and >30 positive) Antigliaden IgG - 17 (Range is 0-19 as negative and >30 positive) IgE Wheat - <0.10 (Range is <0.10 Negative....0.10-0.31 Low...etc.) B12 adn Folate were both high end of normal range - I don't seem to be lacking nutrients   TV   Thank you  for all this information...I will certainly look further into these links and information on Thiamine
    • Wormsy22
    • glucel
      Thanks Scott, The ing are salmon and salt. I had been buying aldi brand 14.5 oz can for around $3.30 but very difficult to get info on. I may upgrade to Safe Catch ($3.09 for only 5 oz) which claims to be gluten-free but does not say that on the can label. The co rep said most all fish canned in thailand or viet nam. So it seems that probably aldi brand and safe catch brand are processed in the same facility, however, the quality of safe catch judging from the description is better. I usually add dressing to the salmon so deciding between the two brands will be difficult.
    • glucel
      Thanks I am trying. Boulder is one chip co that states gluten-free on their bags of chips made with olive or avacado oil. Seems that they would no be quite as unhealthy to eat as those made with vegetable oil.
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