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Essential Tremor


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Pegleg84 Collaborator

Hi all


Just curious whether any of you with Celiac also have essential tremor, which is a neurological conditions that make your hands shake. It looks like a symptom of Parkinsons, but isn't


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Anyway, my grandmother (on my mom's side) has had it for years, and now my Mom and my uncle are also developing it. They both have Celiac disease, and the condition is hereditary.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has it, or knows if its a condition associated with Celiac? If yes, will the gluten-free diet help?


Mom is in her late 50s, and has been gluten-free for 7-8 years, though I believe she might still be getting low levels of cc in her diet. We don't know if my grandmother has Celiac, though it's possible.


If it's completely unrelated, any advice for dealing with the condition? It's probably something I have to look forward to in later years.


Any info would be helpful




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nvsmom Community Regular

I'm pretty sure I have this, but I had never thought anything of my shakes until I read something about it here.  My hand will shake if I hold a glass or fork, not everytime but often enough - especially if I'm tired, a bit hypoglycemic, or my blood pressure is low. 


I get it on occassion around my eye too so the eye lid twitches. If I am very tired my whole eyeball seems to twitch. I can't see the twitch but visually the world is jittery.


Hypoglycemic episodes seem to make it the most noticeable. I had more episodes before going gluten-free except for the last for weeks - I seem to be trembling half of the time lately.


I don't know much about it since I literally thought nothing of it until recently. I to am curious what others have to say.

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cristiana Veteran

It's in our family too.  No-one has ever had an official diagnosis as far as I know, I guess because everyone's got it and lives well with it.   It seems mostly to affect our hands, I think it is esp. aggravated with stressful situations, too much caffeine, low blood sugar, fatigue, etc.  Has come down my mother's family.   So far I'm the only officially diagnosed Celiac, I can't seem to persuade anyone else to be tested for Celiac but I have my suspicions I am not the only one.

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Yes, this runs in our family. It affects their hands and a few have what we term "Bobble Head Syndrome". celiac disease runs in our family, but the folks who have it do not shake.

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Cindy61 Newbie


I find it interesting that other people with celiac disease also have essential tremors.  I was diagnosed with tremors a few years ago.  As far as I know no one else in my family has had these tremors.  My hands don't shake, but my head does.  If I am really tired or stressed the shaking is worse.

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Pegleg84 Collaborator

Yeah, i just found it odd that it happens to be Mom and my uncle who both have Celiac who are starting to get the tremor. Of course, they're the older members of their family and it could just be the genetics catching up with them.

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BritChick Newbie

I think it's also called a familial tremor.  My grandmother had it and my aunt has it.  Neither as far as I know are celiac.  My grandmother's tremor was in her hands and worsened with age.  We gently would make fun of her when she would hand us a cup of tea because the majority of the tea ended up in the saucer instead of the teacup!  My aunt's tremor began to show up about 10 years ago (she's in her early 60s).  My mother is celiac and lactose intolerant and does not have the tremor - she's in her 70s.  I am celiac and people started noticing  my hands shake about 5 years ago.  Like someone else mentioned it seems to be more obvious when I'm eating - holding a knife and fork.  I wasn't even aware of it until others would comment and ask if I was feeling OK.  I'm in my late 40's so I'm expecting to be pretty entertaining in my 60's!!  I haven't heard of any links between celiac and tremors.  The medical community doesn't seem to consider an essential tremor any cause for concern.

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1desperateladysaved Proficient

I felt tremors every day in my life UNTIL my chiropractor recommended a liquid magnesium to meet my deficiency.  After 3-4 days my shaky feelings went away and never returned.  My chiro did warn not to take magnesium if you have the diarrhea. 



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nvsmom Community Regular

I've had tremors for a good ten years since I was 30... I think I'm the baby in this.  LOL 

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Pegleg84 Collaborator

Well, I'm destined for either arthritis or tremors, or both. As long as I can still knit!

So sounds like jury's out on whether it's a celiac thing, or just a coincidence.

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  • 3 months later...
daydreamer Newbie

I didn't know there was any relation between the essential tremors and celiac. Celiac runs in our family. My maternal grandmother has essential tremors badly (it exhausts her). She does not have celiac. My mother has celiac and does have shaky hands from time to time. I am self diagnosed with Celiac and have had hand tremors for years. (I'm only 27)  This is very interesting, thank you for inquiring. 

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    • Wheatwacked
      I felt betrayed by the food I was eating,  I was angry at Agrobusiness.  Angry at myself because I blew off my son's doctor's recommendation in 1976 to go gluten free.  I was angry at the nutritional misinformation.  I actually became quite evangelistic about GFD.  My family banned me from mentioning wheat in their presence. High dose 10,000 IU Vitamin D and low dose 5 mg Lithium Orotate kept me grounded. It is not just a gluten free diet.  You also have to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  Pretend like you moved to another country so you have to find new favorite foods.  There are built in deficiencies in the western diet that at times seems intentional.  Vitamin D, Choline, Iodine is deficient in the general diet.  Add in the deficiencies caused by the Celiac Disease malabsorption you suffered with unknowingly and the difficiency caused by avoiding foods.  Don;t forget the deficiencies caused by no longer eating processed gluten foods with their fortifiction.  Gluten free foods on not fortified.  You get what you eat. Oh, anger at the people and doctors who said there was nothing wrong, when I knew there was. From as early as ten years old.  Guess I showed them.  They are getting sicker and I am not.  I invite them to my 130 birthday party. Give yourself a break, you were told lies.  But let the anger turn into productivity. To quote the Grateful Dead: "What a long strange trip it's been" Your weight will stabilize at it's natural level.  I was kick sand in the face skinny as a kid.  150  pounds average through my 20's Then blew up to 185 from my 50's until I started GFD at 63. You have the oppurtunity to avoid what I suffered.  Check out old TV shows like "Ozzy and Harriet", "Leave it to Beaver", "Donna Reed Show".
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @sadiec123! A couple of questions. First, what is the biggest driver behind your food anger? Is it having to deny yourself foods that you used to enjoy or is it the social cost of needing to eat gluten free? By social cost, I mean do you feel left out or even resented by family/friends at social events or do you avoid social events because of the need to eat gluten free? Second, is the weight loss welcome or has it put you in an unhealthy physical state?
    • Wheatwacked
      Even if Gliadin G is excluded from your diagnostic standards, you still have symptoms caused by eating gluten.  Perhaps you have Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).     NCGS is diagnosed by first eliminating Celiac Disease as the cause of your symptoms.  A Negative diagnosis for Celiac Disease.  Then showing symptom improvement while on a trial gluten free diet.  Next show the return of symptoms with return of glutin to your diet.  
    • sadiec123
      I am 22 and was diagnosed with celiac back in May 2024. It was discovered after a year worth of excruciating pain and I was in the ER 3 times within a two week span from abdominal pain that presented as appendicitis or pancreatic issues. The physical pain and discomfort took months to heal after going gluten-free ( still going) however I feel so mentally & emotionally out of touch with everything. I know having other stressors in my life can add to that of course but I lost a lot of weight because I just don't want to eat anymore. I am angry all the time with food and feel physically awful with my diet. Did/does anyone else have this experience? I am really unsure of what to do or how to go about anything even though it's just a gluten-free diet that's supposed to fix it.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @LinneaW! Yes, we do need more information. We would need the name of the antibody test performed and we would need the range used to establish positive vs. negative. These test ranges aren't standardized yet so each lab uses it's own range. 
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