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Placebo Effect?


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0range Apprentice

For everyone who knows my story, I've been in 'the realm of undiagnosis' for a while now. Many people have recommended that I go gluten-free due to my positive gene test and Hashimoto's, but I'm stubborn about a diagnosis. I recently went on a low FODMAP diet for my IBS (which is lactose-free, gluten-free, etc.) for 3 weeks. As I'm not a known celiac, I was not very strict about cross contamination but did not eat the usual bread, pasta, etc. I eat at university; opting for rice and gluten-free options. Yesterday, I decided to have regular toast for breakfast. I stayed at home all day to finish up my homework, and had rice/potatoes and fish fingers the rest of the day. Yesterday my eyes became very blurry; I couldn't focus on the TV or the clock and had to squint. I also felt manic, unable to concentrate. Towards the end of the day, I felt feverish and cold and had heart palpitations during the night. Today I woke up and felt like I was hit by a truck, and feel truly nauseated. I fell off the bandwagon a week ago when I decided to have regular cake on my mom's birthday as well. After eating, I had a noticeable belly ache on the mid-left side of my abdomen... this is the symptom that I had starting in the summer when I would eat seven-grain bread (and which prompted a Ttg-IgA test in August by my doctor, which was negative). Could this all be IBS? A placebo effect? I'm not sure how I feel so awful considering I have not even been gluten-free for all that long - or even "truly" gluten-free since I haven't been careful about cross contamination. Urgh. Time to pursue a full diagnosis? I'm not sure how open my doctor would be for doing an endoscopy if my blood panel was negative. I don't know if I should wait till I see my dad's doctor, who is much more open and did the Ttg-IgA test in the first place. 

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kareng Grand Master

Aren't those things bad on the FODMAPS diet?

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0range Apprentice

Aren't those things bad on the FODMAPS diet?


Hi Kareng!

Which foods specifically from above? If it's the cake and the bread, then yes! I've been low FODMAP except for those two foods over the last 3 weeks. I just don't know what to make of my reaction to them, considering that with IBS, I really shouldn't be :that: sensitive to cake and bread. I didn't have any gut issues per se, except for the brief belly ache, just all these other symptoms that I don't know what to make of.

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kareng Grand Master

Hi Kareng!

Which foods specifically from above? If it's the cake and the bread, then yes! I've been low FODMAP except for those two foods over the last 3 weeks. I just don't know what to make of my reaction to them, considering that with IBS, I really shouldn't be :that: sensitive to cake and bread. I didn't have any gut issues per se, except for the brief belly ache, just all these other symptoms that I don't know what to make of.

If you have a FODMAP issue, that could be your reaction.

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NoGlutenCooties Contributor

I'm relatively new at this and am certainly no expert... but I don't think negative blood tests are all that uncommon, even when there is a positive biopsy that shows Celiac.  Non-Celiac gluten intolerance is also a possibility.  If it were me I think I would try a strict gluten-free diet (i.e. avoiding all cross-contamination too) for at least 2 - 3 months.  Then on a day when you don't have to go anywhere test it out with a tiny bit of gluten and see what happens.  If you get a reaction then you'll know you're gluten intolerant.  You won't know if it is Celiac or non-Celiac but in the grand scheme of things I don't that really matters.  (Just my .02)

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notme Experienced

thangs that make ya say:  whaaaaaaa? 


where does the placebo fit into the ibs mystery?

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0range Apprentice

thangs that make ya say:  whaaaaaaa? 


where does the placebo fit into the ibs mystery?


I think it's just because it just feels like its in my head :( seeing as I've eaten bread all my life, and ate it up to early last year. My gut problems started after I was overmedicated on thyroid medication. Colonoscopy just showed some inflammation etc but it was not significant. I had bad bacteria built up, and was medicated for that. And apparently, now I can't digest bread. I don't know if it's a temporary thing, if I have celiac/gluten intolerance, or something else. It's a bit frustrating. I always thought IBS resulted in digestive complaint such as bloating and diarrhea (which I do have) but I have all these "extra" symptoms that make no sense at all.

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NoGlutenCooties Contributor

... I've eaten bread all my life, and ate it up to early last year. My gut problems started after I was overmedicated on thyroid medication.


Being able to tolerate gluten and then having Celiac show up at some point, seemingly out of the blue is not uncommon.  Many people do not get Celiac until much later in life - others get it when they're very young.  Sometimes it can be triggered by an illness, pregnancy, trauma, etc.

Up until my diagnosis I could eat gluten with no symptoms at all and only got tested because Celiac runs in my family. 

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GF Lover Rising Star

Hi 0range,


I'm just wondering, were you eating gluten free at the time of your test?  Did you start gluten-free after the test result?  



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kareng Grand Master

I think it's just because it just feels like its in my head :( seeing as I've eaten bread all my life, and ate it up to early last year. My gut problems started after I was overmedicated on thyroid medication. Colonoscopy just showed some inflammation etc but it was not significant. I had bad bacteria built up, and was medicated for that. And apparently, now I can't digest bread. I don't know if it's a temporary thing, if I have celiac/gluten intolerance, or something else. It's a bit frustrating. I always thought IBS resulted in digestive complaint such as bloating and diarrhea (which I do have) but I have all these "extra" symptoms that make no sense at all.



You say you had a colonoscopy to look for Celiac?  That isn't the right end.  Did they do an endoscopy, too?

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0range Apprentice

I just wanted to say that I really, really appreciate all your replies.


Hi 0range,


I'm just wondering, were you eating gluten free at the time of your test?  Did you start gluten-free after the test result?  




Hi Colleen, I was not eating gluten-free at the time of my test. The doctor tested my IgA and Ttg-IgA levels before my colonoscopy in August. My gut issues started around March of last year. I was overmedicated on thyroid medication, which caused weight loss and diarrhea (yay wrong dose ._.). And then gut health has been downhill ever since.


I did not start a gluten-free diet (mostly low FODMAP, which includes abstaining from wheat, because the dietitian recommended this :)) after the negative test. At the time I didn't think I had a problem with my diet, just that eating a certain kind of bread was giving me a belly-ache which prompted the doctor to check my Ttg-IgA levels. He said that celiac is more common in people with hashimoto's - no one in my family has it however (my dad has a stomach related autoimmune disease called atrophic gastritis). I started low FODMAP only 3 weeks ago, getting tired of my loose stools/bloating/etc. situation. It has helped the bloating. I had toast yesterday on a whim, figuring it was ok to do since low FODMAP is mostly a guideline and you don't have to abstain completely. Then started having some weird symptoms that I didn't have, or didn't notice I had back when I was eating normally. I had a burger today I've regularly ate before starting low FODMAP and have had severe joint pain and fatigue all day. Slept and felt nauseated, a little feverish. Almost kind of classic IBD symptoms (more on that below)... so I don't know if I'm developing IBD, if my body is rejecting crappy food (hamburger I can understand, but regular toast, I'm not sure?). Would it make sense to react so badly to a certain food like wheat just because you have not been eating it for 3 weeks?


You say you had a colonoscopy to look for Celiac?  That isn't the right end.  Did they do an endoscopy, too?


Hi kareng. I had a colonoscopy because due to my symptoms (feverish, joint pain) the doctor suspected Crohn's, or another type of inflammatory bowel disease. They did not find anything that indicated that, just some inflammation at the end of my small intestine. The biopsy was labelled as "lymphoid hyperplasia" and "focal colitis" indicating that there was just inflammation there which definitely could be the cause of all of this. I'm trying to find more information about diet and lymphoid hyperplasia but have not found anything. No endoscopy.

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SimonSez0721 Rookie

Hi, like you I am still in the pre-diagnosis phase so please take my comments with a grain of salt. However, I also had a negative blood panel, which from all, that I have read is very common. When my PCP finally sent me to a GI, I did not ask for celiac testing but mentioned my GI symptoms and negative panel, he immediately scheduled an upper-endoscopy to check for Celiac as well as a couple of other exams. He said, "I don't want you to go another 5-6 years without a proper diagnosis.". My understanding is that a large number of people diagnosed with IBS are actually misdiagnosed Celiacs or non-Celiac gluten sensitive.

Yes, gp get tested. Please get an upper-endoscopy, or maybe other here are recommending the stool, or saliva testing. I do not know. But, undiagnosed Celiac is a problem and it looks like you are a candidate.

Good luck!

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    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @Sarah Grace, I had symptoms like yours.  I thought at first it was hypoglycemia, but having type two diabetes, my blood glucose meter didn't register a low.  If anything, my blood glucose levels were slightly high, but quickly returned to normal with me stirring around after waking.   I was certain dehydration, having similar symptoms, was not the cause.  A nurse advised me, a very long time ago, in order to stay well hydrated that one should drink a cup of water every time one visits the loo.  Drink sufficient water to have to make that visit about every two hours during the day.  The quick pinch test confirmed no dehydration.  If you pinch the skin on the back of your hand or arm, and the skin stays "tented" and takes a few seconds to return to normal, you're probably dehydrated. My problem turned out to be high histamine levels.  Our bodies can make histamine.  Plants and other animals make histamine, too, and, so there's histamine in our food.   Mast cells in our digestive tract make and release histamine as part of the autoimmune response in celiac disease, causing inflammation.  But, among doing other things, histamine is also a useful neurotransmitter.  Histamine levels increase in the brain in the morning, causing us to wake up.  High histamine levels can keep us awake, too, hence insomnia.  High histamine levels also can cause migraines.   Intestinal Bacteria can also make histamine and release it, which can then be absorbed into our bloodstream.  High histamine levels can worsen gastrointestinal symptoms.  If you eat a diet high in carbohydrates, those carbohydrate-loving, histamine-producing bacteria can colonize the small intestine, resulting in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).  Following a Paleo Diet (a diet low in carbohydrates) starves out the SIBO bacteria.   Eating a high carbohydrate diet can precipitate a Thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency disorder.  Thiamine is required to turn the carbohydrates into energy for the body.  Having SIBO can indicate an insufficiency of Thiamine.  Thiamine has antibacterial and antiviral properties and helps keep bacteria in the gut within check.  Thiamine helps Mast Cells not release histamine.  Mast Cells that do not have sufficient Thiamine release histamine at the slightest provocation.   Our bodies can break down histamine, if it has enough of the vitamins and minerals needed to make an enzyme, Diamine Oxidase (DAO).  Pyridoxine B6, copper, and Vitamin C are needed.  DAO supplements are available without prescription.  Vitamin D helps lower and regulate inflammation in the body.   Vitamins and minerals such as these can be at suboptimal levels.  Inflammation in the intestines can make absorbing essential nutrients like Thiamine difficult.  The eight B vitamins are water soluble and cannot be stored long, so we need to consume them every day in foods and supplements.  Thiamine can become low within three weeks.   Supplementing with vitamins and minerals helps boost absorption so the body can function properly.   Always check with your doctor and nutritionist before supplementing.  Checking for nutritional deficiencies is part of proper follow up care for people with celiac disease, even if they've been gluten free for years.    References: Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Beyond https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11054089/ Dysbiosis and Migraine Headaches in Adults With Celiac Disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9506300/ Histamine Intolerance Originates in the Gut https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8069563/ Thiamine deficiency disorders: a clinical perspective https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8451766/ Dietary Vitamin B1 Intake Influences Gut Microbial Community and the Consequent Production of Short-Chain Fatty Acids https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9147846/ Mast Cells in Gastrointestinal Disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033552/ Mast cells are associated with the onset and progression of celiac disease https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27619824/ Diamine oxidase supplementation improves symptoms in patients with histamine intolerance https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31807350/ Histamine Intolerance—The More We Know the Less We Know. A Review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8308327/ Hope this helps!
    • trents
      Have you tried a diet with a lower carb, higher fat content, something similar to the Keto diet? Are you familiar with the ketogenic diet? Fat satisfies and so curbs hunger and levels out blood sugar.
    • Sarah Grace
      I've was diagnosed celiac over 10 years ago when in mid 50s.  For a long time I have been getting headaches at night and in the morning and I suffer a lot of insomnia.  The headaches can be very severe and sometimes develop into a full migraine but other times they wear off within an hour of getting up and eating breakfast.  I have self diagnosed this a hypoglycaemia.  The medical profession in UK, where I live, does not seem to know anything of this and simply tests me for diabetes, which I do not have.  I know this condition is diet related and caused by carbohydrates, I avoid eating in the evenings.  Whatever I do, this condition seems to be getting worse and is very difficult to control.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
    • trents
      But that's the point Scott is trying to make. It is up to you. You do not have to go forward with another biopsy simply because your doctor wants you to. They work for you, not the other way around.
    • Jammer
      Hi Kate,   I am unsure if this is helpful or not. I have Webber calcium citrate everyday. I also react to less than 20 ppm of gluten. I have not reacted to Webber ever. (Fingers crossed it stays that way). Also, I get my blood tested every 6 months to ensure I have zero gluten exposure. It consistently comes back negative(0) to gluten.  A few years ago, my stomach would feel nauseous after taking Ca+  but thankfully that doesn’t happen anymore. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.    all the best,    J 
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