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Let's Get On Oprah!


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CeliacMe Rookie

Hey all:

I just read another post, stating that someone had emailed Oprah, but no response. I have emailed her also, about a month ago. We need to keep emailing her about doing a show about Celiac in order to reach those who are sick and not knowing why. I suffered for 15 years with symptoms, many you have suffered just as long or longer. I wouldn't wish the suffering that we had on anyone. We can reach more and educate people about it. Please email Oprah. I have also gone to the extent of joining her message board, I am gonna start Celiac-postings ASAP!

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FaithInScienceToo Contributor

LOL...the Oprah Show once wanted me to be on the show...for family issues...They called me after I e-mailed my personal story to them....but, I wouldn't agree to asking my Mom to be on to show...and I also thought it would kill my Dad to have his alcoholism history aired...


Perhaps one of her producers personally knows of celiac disease, or of someone close with it, and might take a personal interest in it if our e-mails are mentioned in a meeting about potential show topics?

I imagine, though, that Oprah would be MOST interested in the overall idea of 'dangerous grains' AND in dairy protein problems that so many people have...

The reason I think this is because Oprah is so very much into maintaining her own health, and so she, herself, would want to know about the potential problems with common foods.

So...I think 'our' best bet might be to ask for a show about the dangers of common foods, and to ask to have Celiac Disease be a highlighted part of the show...with info and links about it put onto her web site.

OK...so, I will e-mail the show, also. It's a good plan to flood her 'show ideas' address with this....

I haven't read the other post about this yet, but here is the link you'll need to e-mail the show about this idea:

Open Original Shared Link


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FaithInScienceToo Contributor

I just sent my e-mail to the show.

Hopefully, they will find that having a show about this topic can help many people who suffer needlessly.


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Guest barbara3675

Not waiting until my initial comes up, sent an email to the show just now. We can do this......we should email soon and often and stay on top of it letting everyone know if she does decide to do the show. Barbara

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Rikki Tikki Explorer

I just emailed Oprah and asked her to do a show about celiac disease. I remember Kaiti tried last year, maybe we will have better luck this time :D

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Jnkmnky Collaborator

You could further your chances of success by emailing the authors of Dangerous Grains and ask them to pester Oprah. Also, the guy who runs this web site, Scott Adams could write and offer to be a guest speaker on the subject. I think the more reputable people who have accountability on the issue would be more persuasive.

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    • glucel
      hi @knitty kitty I knew there had to be somebody else that liked liver. Hearing of your weight loss/recovery and seeing another half pound gain this morning helps relieve some of the anxieties associated with celiac disease. I never thought that I would get excited about weight gain.  I am going to add a 100 g thiamine tablet at noon time and will add the Benfotiamine for a few months.  
    • cristiana
      @trents  @Vickey Matteson   Trents makes a very interesting point.  I did not have gastric symptoms initially but about six months before my diagnosis I had very odd liver function test results, iron deficiency and anxiety.  I developed gastric symptoms just prior to my diagnosis - I honestly think that if I hadn't, my doctors would still be wondering what was causing those other issues.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Vickey Matteson! What you describe is actually very common in the celiac community. We call it "silent celiac disease". Silent in the sense of not causing significant discomfort or distress. After diagnosis, many silent celiacs look back and realize they did have some symptoms but they were so minor as to not grab their attention or they were symptoms of a nature that they would not have connected with celiac disease. Given enough time, and as damage to the small bowel villous lining progresses, symptoms will eventually appear. Who knows how long before your diagnosis the onset of your celiac disease occurred. The time between onset and diagnosis may have been many years or only a few. You were born with the genetic potential for developing celiac disease but that doesn't mean you had it from birth. Almost 40% of the population has the genetic potential to develop celiac disease but only about 1% actually develop it. It takes both the genetic potential and some kind of triggering environmental or health event that turns the genes on, such as a viral infection or frequent antibiotic treatments.  So, since you say you can eat gluten and not have a reaction and you have no symptoms, how is it that you got diagnosed with celiac disease? What led to that? There must have been some lab work or health issues that prompted your physician to test you for celiac disease. There are over 200 known symptoms associated with celiac disease and most of them have nothing to do with GI distress. Most people (and unfortunately, many physicians) only think of classic GI symptoms when considering celiac disease. What led to your being tested for celiac disease?
    • Vickey Matteson
      Hi all, I've been diagnosed Celiac. I don't have symptom's if I eat gluten and the doctor's don't know why. Has anyone heard of this happening?  I am on a gluten free diet because of the diagnosis but it doesn't make any sense if I don't have symptom's. I was diagnosed when I was 60, I am now 70, so what happened my first 60 ? Any thoughts? Thanks, Vickey
    • cristiana
      Good point, they should never have cut this from the syllabus.  
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