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I'm Always Tired.

newo ikkin

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Guest myjade_84

Maybe you can try to include some breathing techniques on your daily routine. Many people take short, shallow breaths, and this will reduce the amount of oxygen absorbed by the body so it makes your lungs and your heart work harder. The proper breathing techniques will prevent your body from getting tired fast. After taking short, shallow breaths, try to breathe long and deep. Remember that you have to breathe through your nose and remove it through the mouth. 

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Lizanne Newbie

I have been Gluten free for 11 months now.  I was exhausted all the time prior to going Gluten Free and felt a significant change right away having so much more energy.  Over the past several months, that tired feeling comes back from time to time. I know I need more exercise as I always feel better afterwards.  My vitamin levels are all good and thyroid is fine too.  I take B complex vitiamins.  They really do help me.  I notice the difference if I forgot to take one.  Hope this helps. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 months later...
deb-rn Contributor

I have been Gluten free for 11 months now.  I was exhausted all the time prior to going Gluten Free and felt a significant change right away having so much more energy.  Over the past several months, that tired feeling comes back from time to time. I know I need more exercise as I always feel better afterwards.  My vitamin levels are all good and thyroid is fine too.  I take B complex vitiamins.  They really do help me.  I notice the difference if I forgot to take one.  Hope this helps. :rolleyes:

I am going to the Dr tomorrow to see about a diagnosis.  I have had insomnia for  YEARS!  I got so bloated last week that I finally did a little "elimination test" of my own... BINGO!  I felt better after 12 hrs off gluten!  I've been reading like crazy and eliminating things from my diet.  I'm a nurse, so I have to have myself half diagnosed before posing symptoms to a Dr!! :D I'm hoping a lot of my "mysterious" physical problems will subside.  On the plus side, I lost 4.2# in 1 week without trying!  I had gained weight very suddenly about 6 yrs ago.  Looking forward to a definitive diagnosis and cleaning the gluten out of my house, if need be!



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  • 4 weeks later...
blondiedar052 Newbie

Hi Guys,

I had an endoscopy and I have Celiac sprue.  I have eaten very healthy as a vegetarian since 1968 and as a vegan for many years and always my tests have shown I was doing great! Because of my lifestyle I made it a point to become very educated on nutrition. Since finding out about the Celiac, I have been gluten free for 3 months now. I have had EVERYTHING tested and it all came out ok.  But I can barely take care of myself I am so tired.  I have been tired before but never like this. This is different.   I am at the point where I am going to have to see about getting someone to come in to help to clean my home.  Plus my food bill is not something I can keep up with on a fixed income.  I am still taking Imodium just to get through the day or I can't leave the bathroom.  My stomach is a mess and I am getting very concerned.  I saw a nutritionist and I am taking all the supplements they said to but it doesn't seem to be doing anything yet.  I can't get a good sleep in even with medication.  I have nightmares and wake up exhausted.  Does anyone have any information that might help or even maybe have felt this way?  I felt better when I was on gluten. My stomach is flatter,my breathing a bit better, joints not quite as sore. But the trade off, not good.  My stomach is acting way worse.  I have been meticulous about eating gluten free or even buying products that could have even been manufactured in a plant where there could have been cross-contamination. I don't know what else to do.  My doctor is certain it is celiac. All replies are appreciated because I have a life that i would like to get back to!  :blink:

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  • 7 months later...
Alexius Newbie

This is what helped me to get  some additional energy just after 2 weeks:


1. Zinc

2. Magnesium

3. Selenium

4. Vit D

5. Swedish Bitters


Good luck!

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  • 3 months later...
BoJonJovi Newbie

Could it be depression? Exercise might help.

Are you eating out? If so stop and eat at home for a few weeks. See if it helps.

Have you checked all meds and supplements for gluten?

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Serielda Enthusiast

Oh god that is a sticky one with the  food bill, do you have an Aldi or Trader Joes near you? I been to one a couple of times and have purchased quite a bit of Gluten free real food + treats before.  Second option check out farmers markets and co-ops.  I have an acquaintance, who has a huge load of debt from school and  is on disablility .She goes to one in a neighboring town and gets food ridiculously cheap and we are talk awesome stuff. I used to poo poo those markets having come from a small town  in ohio originally that had a terrible co-op and farmers market. But if your in a good sized city you can do well with those options. As for cleaning and energy I know this one, most here probally do as well I've learned to  clean in stages.For instance I may do  vacuming in bedroom and livingroom on one day , and the next the sofa and living room. Moping on another day and dusting. It sounds like a lot but it does help atleast with me. What got me at first was when I went to working overnights that was a doozy, but finally adjusting better. I hope some of these options work for you and are viable.

Hi Guys,

I had an endoscopy and I have Celiac sprue.  I have eaten very healthy as a vegetarian since 1968 and as a vegan for many years and always my tests have shown I was doing great! Because of my lifestyle I made it a point to become very educated on nutrition. Since finding out about the Celiac, I have been gluten free for 3 months now. I have had EVERYTHING tested and it all came out ok.  But I can barely take care of myself I am so tired.  I have been tired before but never like this. This is different.   I am at the point where I am going to have to see about getting someone to come in to help to clean my home.  Plus my food bill is not something I can keep up with on a fixed income.  I am still taking Imodium just to get through the day or I can't leave the bathroom.  My stomach is a mess and I am getting very concerned.  I saw a nutritionist and I am taking all the supplements they said to but it doesn't seem to be doing anything yet.  I can't get a good sleep in even with medication.  I have nightmares and wake up exhausted.  Does anyone have any information that might help or even maybe have felt this way?  I felt better when I was on gluten. My stomach is flatter,my breathing a bit better, joints not quite as sore. But the trade off, not good.  My stomach is acting way worse.  I have been meticulous about eating gluten free or even buying products that could have even been manufactured in a plant where there could have been cross-contamination. I don't know what else to do.  My doctor is certain it is celiac. All replies are appreciated because I have a life that i would like to get back to!  :blink:

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Serielda Enthusiast

BoJonJovi, that is a great point, there are so many snakes in the grass often something can get over looked. Meds was at first one I did not think of until I started pounding the internet and books I could get my mits on for that kind of info. I do know Target has their brand and some of their products are brazenly marked gluten free. If you are on meds, a good pharmacy with your Dr.'s orders on it will get them on alert to do things. When I got out of the hospital my surgeon had put on the scripts and called even(bless his heart) to warn them make sure  things was cool so I wouldn't get glutened by that. So make sure if you are on meds they haven't been possibly cc'd. Also check your tupaware and glassware and if you cook with untreated wood or bamboo you could have it in that as well if there are scratches present.

I know I may sound overkill but I am well past and done with Gluten, to me its as unwanted as a stalker because of all the places it shows up.

Could it be depression? Exercise might help.

Are you eating out? If so stop and eat at home for a few weeks. See if it helps.

Have you checked all meds and supplements for gluten?

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LauraTX Rising Star

Just a note to all reading this thread, it spans back to 2005, so you may want to start a new discussion if you need answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
JodyM75 Apprentice

This is what helped me to get  some additional energy just after 2 weeks:


1. Zinc

2. Magnesium

3. Selenium

4. Vit D

5. Swedish Bitters


Good luck!

I'm curious:  Swedish Bitters for energy? 

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  • 2 years later...
Emma123 Newbie
On November 8, 2005 at 8:30 PM, newo ikkin said:

Ever since I started my gluten-free diet in about May 05 I've been extremely tired all the time.

At night I get about 7-8 hours of sleep, wake up at 6 and go to school for about 7 hours. Then as soon as I get home from school I'm too tired to stay awake and take 4-5 hour nap, then wake up to eat dinner, do homework, take a shower, then I get extremely tired again and go to bed.

I have noticed that when I wake up I don't feel well rested unless I get 14-16 hours of sleep at a time.

I started taking vitaims for some more enegry and eating a bigger, healthier breakfast but it doesn't really seem to help.

I hate this because if I don't take a nap during the day and I go out I feel dead and if I sleep I miss out on the whole day.

Is this a side affect of celiac disease or a gluten-free diet? Does anyone else feel like this?

I feel like this all the time. It's the worst. I'm so sorry. 

The only time I noticed a difference was a couple months ago. I had made a commitment to go to the gym every single day for 21 days and during that period I started sleeping and feeling rested after only 7 or 8 hours (CRAZY FOR ME BECAUSE I USUALLY NEED 14 TO FEEL RESTED EVEN THOUGH I AM COMPLETELY GLUTEN FREE AND WHOLE FOODS, NO DAIRY, AND NO SOY). I don't know if it's hormones or what but something about working out increased my energy a lot.

I work out every few days now and I'm back to being exhausted. Starting to think the only way I'm going to be "normal" is if I hit the gym every single day. 

I don't know if you feel this way but the worst part of being so exhausted is the judgement from other people. I'm a highly productive person and it's really hard to be kind to myself when I need so much sleep, especially when the people around me don't understand that I'm not lazy I'm just literally completely exhausted.


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Ennis-TX Grand Master
5 hours ago, Emma123 said:

I feel like this all the time. It's the worst. I'm so sorry. 

The only time I noticed a difference was a couple months ago. I had made a commitment to go to the gym every single day for 21 days and during that period I started sleeping and feeling rested after only 7 or 8 hours (CRAZY FOR ME BECAUSE I USUALLY NEED 14 TO FEEL RESTED EVEN THOUGH I AM COMPLETELY GLUTEN FREE AND WHOLE FOODS, NO DAIRY, AND NO SOY). I don't know if it's hormones or what but something about working out increased my energy a lot.

I work out every few days now and I'm back to being exhausted. Starting to think the only way I'm going to be "normal" is if I hit the gym every single day. 

I don't know if you feel this way but the worst part of being so exhausted is the judgement from other people. I'm a highly productive person and it's really hard to be kind to myself when I need so much sleep, especially when the people around me don't understand that I'm not lazy I'm just literally completely exhausted.


Yeah the working out first thing in the morning makes the next 6-8 hours a alot more productive. It has to do with the endorphins and getting your heart rate up. I do 20-30mins HITT every morning before breakfast. Sorta have to kick yourself to get going but really worth it for the way you feel the rest of the day.

On a side note I noticed that when do workout harder I have to increase my magnesium intake a bit more, and my B-vitamins.

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  • 1 month later...
Chrismark Apprentice

After it was discovered that I was Celiac and went on a gluten-free diest, I never slept more that 2-3 hours without waking up, and then I was often perspiring.  I spoke to another celiac who recommended taking supplements that included Vitamins B12 and D.  This helped greatly with my sleep.  However then I found out that supplements were not absorbing very well, often less that 50% was being absorbed by my body.  I found a company that specializes in Vitamins that are fully absorbed by the body.  After taking them, I started sleeping much longer at night, and I felt much better.

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  • 3 months later...
Juca Contributor
On 12/22/2005 at 8:52 PM, key said:

I was feeling very fatigued and having aching in my legs. LIving on caffeine for survival to take care of my three kids. I had a full workup for vitamins and anemia. Actually my hgb was better then it has ever been. GUess the diet is working some. Anyway, I think it was because i was getting gluten. Make sure your thyroid is ok and I do exercise which can help some. Take vitamins, etc.


Hi Monica

I hope you are feeling better now. 

In any case, your post made me think of something I have been reading about lately - Dr. Satsha Gominak's work. It connects sleep disorders and body aching. She corrects it by tightly controlling the levels of vit. D and B complex. Be aware that this can be caused not only by too little panthotenic acid, but also too HIGH panthotenic acid supplementation. And we celiacs sometimes rely too much on our suplemments.. I am guilty too. 

Unfortunately, she is not the most straightforward speaker but her work is very eye opening. Please look into it. 


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Victoria1234 Experienced

I know this thread is very very old, but I want to suggest one thing to tired people. Get a sleep study. Sleep apnea is something that can cause you to be very tired, and it can kill you. A sleep study is super easy and the cost of an office visit copay. It's easy to treat with cpap and it's amazing how much better you feel.

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Ennis-TX Grand Master
2 hours ago, Juca said:

Hi Monica

I hope you are feeling better now. 

In any case, your post made me think of something I have been reading about lately - Dr. Satsha Gominak's work. It connects sleep disorders and body aching. She corrects it by tightly controlling the levels of vit. D and B complex. Be aware that this can be caused not only by too little panthotenic acid, but also too HIGH panthotenic acid supplementation. And we celiacs sometimes rely too much on our suplemments.. I am guilty too. 

Unfortunately, she is not the most straightforward speaker but her work is very eye opening. Please look into it. 


Juca hun.....you just responded and tried talking to a person that has been gone for 12 years....please check the date

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Juca Contributor
6 hours ago, Ennis_TX said:

Juca hun.....you just responded and tried talking to a person that has been gone for 12 years....please check the date

Sorry, I am new here. 

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Victoria1234 Experienced
34 minutes ago, Juca said:

Sorry, I am new here. 

No worries. What you said was super interesting and there's a ton of people who will read it when they google the right keywords!!!!!!

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Juca Contributor
11 hours ago, Victoria1234 said:

I know this thread is very very old, but I want to suggest one thing to tired people. Get a sleep study. Sleep apnea is something that can cause you to be very tired, and it can kill you. A sleep study is super easy and the cost of an office visit copay. It's easy to treat with cpap and it's amazing how much better you feel.

I just found a nicer compilation of her work, much easier to understand. She also makes the connection between Sleep apnea, vit. D and the gut. Maybe you will enjoy it too: 


She mentions autoimmune diseases in general but not Celiacs. But I think it all connects and makes sense. 

You are right, no matter how a post is, someone might read it. I did. 

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  • 1 year later...
Ennis-TX Grand Master
2 hours ago, KamAquake said:

If they gave out gold medals for sleeping.well I´d have won no probs the last few months

I´ve been having difficulties getting a good night´s sleep for a while, so got some tablets from dr, so for a week or so now, have had decent uninterrupted 8hrs or so each night,..but still feel as tired.

well the thing is I dont actually feel tired , as such, all the time.... It just suddenly hits me, and I have to lie down and sleep, or I´d probably fall over where I stand

It does seem to be worse after eating, but I´m not having large 5 course meals.. just a sandwich, or bowl of cereal is enough to make me want to have an extended siesta

Am going for blood tests tomorrow general full blood tests but anyone have any thouhts / ideas, whta I should perhaps
look for, getthe Drto look for, if nothing specific shows up?

Are you gluten free? Been tested? And how long?

Few Aspects and various circumstances but here are a few common ones.
If celiac and eating gluten, your immune system is probably bogging you down fighting inside and the damaged intestine make digesting food very inefficient.
If recently going gluten free and eating gluten free bread and cereals...probably again b-vitamin deficiencies or something similar. as gluten foods are sprayed with them and enriched while the gluten free ones are not...topped with villi damage your probably lacking.

I had the 2 above for my issues when first diagnosed. Still to this day have to supplement B-vitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and eat a balanced diet and high iron foods.

Other aspects could be a food intolerance or allergy and your bogging down while trying to fight and process them, try a whole foods only diet and proceed with a food diary and elimination diet to track down culprits.
And glucose. those are all heavy carbs, try getting glucose blood monitor and testing your blood before meals and after every so often and keep track.
Thyroid is another thing I have seen but you would need a doctor to run testing here.

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    • glucel
      Trader joe stocks a potato chip simply that is made with potato, olive oil and sea salt but is not stated as gluten-free.. Many chip bags state gluten free but this one does not.  Of interest, I raised the point of cross contamination to my gastro doc and he just waived it off said don't worry about it but being a newly diagnosed celiac {4 months} I am being cautious. So I would like to hear some opinions from fellow celiacs. I admit that I have already eaten one bag of these thinking they were gluten-free and had no reaction that I knew of.
    • Banana
      Hi.  Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful replies.  Well, I have had a number of tests including a colonoscopy 2 days ago.  That showed quite a few diverticulae (atypical distribution) & 3 polyps which were removed.  I watched it all on the 'telly' at the time.  So DX is now diverticula disease and looks like my weeks of pain were an attack of diverticulitis.  It does fit.  Will keep my mind open to other possibilities but it is lovely being free of pain and, indeed, feeling very well at the moment.      
    • Zipper1975
      I had 9 out 10 of your symptoms & most doctors don't pay attention about it. I figured out after extreme stomach pains I couldn't eat anything with regular flour or worse wheat. If u do few crumbs my stomach looked like I was 8 months pregnant no kidding. But I noticed what works for me is going green organic kectin free diet life style. Even gourmet chocolates made me bed doubled over in pain. Through research found out the problem was my gut health affect by lectin ( inflammation causing that's is naturally occuring in mostly night shade plants ex: zucchini) so to kill them I found out must pressure cook those veggies and other skin seeds from nature. And FYI: oats have naturally in them 5-8% gluten that definitely will cause me pain & inflammation. So I try my best eat organic grain free diet than there no pain & I feel more energy. Your symptoms are definitely from foods you are eating. And mushrooms are regular must because they help good bacteria balance growth in our gut to fight off inflammations and bad bacteria for our health. You also need to check if thyroid is intact and for B12 Deficiency & low Iron or low folic acid. I was severely anemic for years. And still am vitamin D deficiency from tears damage to my gut & lack of sunlight. Our gut is a responsible for absorbing vitamins. This is from personal experience not expertise but good luck with that with doctors are only trained 1 hour on nutrition in all their medical schooling as far as what a trusted sources I researched. Wish you all the best. Zohara R. ....I meant Lectin free diet not kectin lol.
    • RMJ
      Four years after I started my gluten free diet I still had “focal mild villous blunting.” One of the four antibodies tested was also still a little high (all four had been high at first). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to have a biopsy prior to going gluten free so don’t know if the blunting was an improvement or not.   Did you have a biopsy when diagnosed? Is blunting an improvement? At least you have villi and not villous atrophy.  Hopefully your gastroenterologist or another doctor will try to find the cause of your current symptoms, even if they don’t think it is celiac.  
    • Scott Adams
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